2017 World Series: Game 4 live blog

And, here we are! The Sports Illustrated Boys are on a roll!

I am amazed at the so-called national media which seems to know nothing about this Astros’ team.

For example, last night on MLB radio, they suggested now that the Astros’ bullpen would have to step up. Perhaps true, but in their mention of players, no one suggested that another tandem may be on the horizon.

No one — read: NO ONE — remembered or otherwise suggested that Charlie Morton could be followed tonight by Collin McHugh. Only that A.J. Hinch would now be forced to use Chris Devenski, Joe Musgrove, Ken Giles, Luke Gregerson and Will Harris.

As we get ready for Game 4, what are the most outlandish national media commentaries you’ve heard during the World Series?

And, do you remember when:

  • Many people wanted to remove George Springer from the lead off role?
  • Most people lost confidence in Ken Giles?
  • Many of you were begging Astros’ managers to move Springer to center and not let him languish in right?
  • First base was a problem position for the Astros?
  • We were debating whether Max Stassi or Jason Castro or Hank Conger would be the catcher on the next Astros’ playoff team?
  • Marwin Gonzalez was a Super Sub?

Let’s play ball! Two more wins! Two more wins!

88 responses to “2017 World Series: Game 4 live blog”

  1. So…..if Charlie gives you 5 maybe 6, do you tandem him with McHugh or Musgrove……or go inning by inning to your pen? Just asking for a friend!
    With all the OVER REACTION to Yuli today, do you think one of their pitchers to hit Yuli, or one of our other guys? Tonight will ha E EVERYTHING riding on it for the Dodgers, they can’t feel very good right now, but if Charlie (minus his bubble gum!) takes care of business, our chances of winning it all are BIG!
    OK boys ya’ll need to be *DUDES* tonight!


  2. I would rather five at the start of next season than one or two during the series. we can forget about it for now and go on to what is important – winning this next game and then the series!!!


      • chip I’d like your comment if I could but when logged into Facebook it will let me comment but not like. when logged into WordPress its the opposite – comments don’t post but likes will. HELP!! lol. awhile back I let some visiting nephews use my computer and some other e-mail addresses to come here to comment. I think since that time I have had trouble. I have new computer now, but those same problems.


  3. I’ve heard all sorts of ignorant statements about how after the 2nd game Hinch had “discovered” Chris Devenski, like he did not know how good he could pitch. How Justin Turner was the best hitter in this series. How after the Astros evened it at 1-1 that the Dodgers were still going to win it 6. How the Yankees were still the best team in the AL.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Astros lineup
    I think this is the same

    Springer CF
    Bregman 3B
    Altuve 2B
    Correa SS
    Gurriel 1B
    Reddick RF
    Gattis DH
    Gonzalez LF
    McCann C


  5. Dodgers lineup
    Same as yesterday except Pederson switches with Hernandez DH vs LF

    Taylor CF
    Seager SS
    Turner 3B
    Bellinger 1B
    Puig RF
    Forsyth 2B
    Barnes C
    Pederson DH
    Hernandez LF


  6. I’m nervous…..but not as nervous as I was yesterday with McCullers start!
    This is a B I G game tonight…..whew, where’s my adult beverage!


  7. One guy in the national media positioned last night AFTER the game that ultimately, the Dodger pen would win this WS for the Dodgers. What could he possibly base that on?

    Jeff Passon, who does he write for, Yahoo? Anyway, the high and mighty Passon quickly determined Yuli should be suspended immediately. That is so ignorant. I live in the Caribbean. Caribbean people joke about the relative colors of their skin, their hair, how fat they might be, immigrants from other places and their differences, anything for a laugh, all in jest, fun intended. They sit in bars and poke fun of themselves. They live hand in hand. They do not take themselves nearly as seriously as we do. Yuli comes from a different, much more relaxed culture. He is new to ours. I’m sure the Astros ended up with a choice of a game this weekend or five games next year. Either way, the decision was made by MLB caving to national media interests appalled that the sparkling (ha ha) Dodger organization is quickly losing it’s relevance and it’s collective asses to the upstarts from Houston.

    Damn right I’m pissed.

    I’m pretty sure most of us are a bit relieved that Giles will likely not be used in the same manner the rest of the way by Hinch. Is there anyone that wants to see another six out save attempt from him? How about a three out save situation when leading by a run? Historically, he’s helped our club get to where we are today, but for my heart burn, long term, I’d rather have a closer that makes the 9th inning look easy more frequently.

    I know that 1OP and I have long poo-pooed the clubs decision to play one of the best center fielders in MLB out of position. Sometimes it takes even stat nerds awhile to come up out of the cave to watch some baseball and see things only the eyes can register. But I can’t hold that against them. I’ve recently determined that many baseball writers don’t watch much baseball. Or even make themselves aware of statistics. And these are the guys who determine Hall of Fame inductees?

    I’m very hopeful tonight that we’ll see our bats REALLY wake up and demolish the opposition #4 starter and then their trusty long man. Oops, their long man is not available. How unfortunate. I want our guys to come out with a chip on their shoulders tonight and go for the throat.

    And Diane, you are correct. I voted for the man. But don’t think he’s all there today. His people should have protected him from himself. A bad decision for tonight.

    Now back to baseball.


    • Not Kershaw around the corner but also two games in enemy territory around the corner.
      Not necessarily a must win but it sure would be a nice cushion.


  8. You know what the coolest part of this year is? EVERY ONE of these guys will be right back here next year! I get excited every time I think about that, because for the first time in YEARS we don’t have any holes in our lineup!!
    And good Lord look at the guys who will audition for the rotation next year!
    Only thing Luhnow needs to do, is get a good lefty out in the bullpen!


  9. Russell and Dave, thank you. I am concerned for the Bush family as well as for Houston and the Astros. You are right, somebody should have protected him from himself. All I am saying is, this is not the time.

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  10. I commented the other day how it was mentioned by announcers the Astros had punished the playoff teams best relievers from the Kimbrel, Chapman and now Jansen. While I’m not diminishing the abilities of these great relievers I will add that no team out there hits high velocity pitching like our guys do and they’ve proved it in each series. Just saying folks


  11. Great pitching duel, but this is not what I had in mind for tonight. On the flipside, wouldn’t it be great to use our pen to beat these guys 1 zip?

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  12. I would say pinch me as I must be dreaming, but not a good idea on blood thinners lol. Morton with the game of his life.


  13. That last inning when Bregman threw home and got the out, was the turning point to this game……just exactly like last week! George is a *DUDE* tonight!
    Wood had nothing, but our guys weren’t patient. Ok boys this brings new life in this game! GO OUT THERE AND TAKE IT!!


  14. Man I thought Harris would get the job done if given the chance. But this whole World Series thing is not supposed to be easy.


  15. The first single I don’t blame Giles for – just put in the right place. The walk was all him and then he leaves the fastball up – that was bad


  16. Well, at least for tonight, the experts are right. That’s what hurts me the most. We’ve got a disadvantage in the pen. I think even Hinch would have to agree at this point that we’re going to have to win this thing without Giles. And if someone had asked me before game one if I’d take a 2 – 2 series tie, regardless of the pitching match up going into game 5, I’d have taken it. We are likely playing a 7 game series.


    • Mistake 1. First off I wouldn’t have pulled Morton that quick. One pitch in the zone and Hinch pulls him.
      Mistake 2. McHugh should have been warming up and put in.
      Mistake 3. Putting in Harris whose pitches were just flat with nothing on them.
      Mistake 4. Devenski in (although he didn’t give up a run) (see mistake 2) Also the Dodgers have seen Harris and Musgrove thrice already. Sooner or later they’ll get a hit.
      Mistake 5. Giles. Yes let’s put the guy with the 8.28 ERA in the playoffs in. That makes about as much sense as sticking your head in a rattlesnakes box and hoping you don’t get bit. How about Giles ERA now – 27.00
      Mistake 6. Musgrove not being ready when Giles came in. (I might be wrong here). I didn’t see anybody warming up until Giles couldn’t find the plate.
      I guess that about covers it. Hopefully we’ll do something against Kershaw tomorrow.
      We should be up 3-1.


    • Chip, had Morton only been able to give us 5 innings, we might have seen McHugh. I guess with only 8 outs needed, Hinch decided to take the traditional approach. I was disappointed in Harris. He was the first guy from the pen not to get the job done. But damn, Giles looked frightened on his own mound with 43,000 people on his side. Heck, if we get a clean inning from him, maybe Bregman still hits the homer in the bottom half and we all go nuts.


      • daveb, of course, I understand that McHugh is about the only long reliever available for the weekend and that, under normal circumstances, AJ should be able to depend on his short guys in the pen for a couple of innings. I admire him for going that direction and I hate it that none of his guys seem to be able to step up and back their manager.

        Now what? I suppose he has McHugh tomorrow for any duty and Peacock would be ready to get 2-3 if needed on Tuesday. Of course, if there is a Wednesday game, it’s all hands on deck again just like the ALCS.

        But if he’d elected to go with McHugh tonight, “all hands on deck” may not have been necessary. Just sayin…I like Hinch, but when he looks good, he really looks good. But when he looks bad…

        Liked by 1 person

      • Chip, I was only trying to rationalize why Hinch approached the last 8 outs the way he did. Heck, I would have given the ball to Collin without hesitation.


      • You’re right sir…it’s just a shame that AJ has to play the biggest games and the biggest series of the year with a roster of only 22-23 players.

        Liriano hasn’t pitched in the Series and there’s no reason to believe he’ll get into a close game. As Becky points out, Giles is probably done for the season and Musgrove is probably on a short leash.


      • But Chip, you sure are right. Had McHugh been given the job tonight and gotten it done, we’d be in pretty good shape right now. And McHugh, with his pitches almost always down, less velocity and good movement, it would have been a much different look for the Dodgers bats at a critical time.


  17. I left the room when Giles came in. Couldn’t take another Giles stupidity.
    Charlie pitched an AWESOME game……just sucks that Giles has to give it away.
    Tomorrow is going to be ridiculous……and not in a good way.


  18. Far as I know the series is tied and we have Keuchel at home tomorrow and Verlander in game 6. Who was thinking we were going to win the World Series in 5 games?


    • I believe that we all though it very possible. Morton pitched a great game. Wood pitched a great game to but we never capitalized on the opportunities presented us against him. We only needed 9 outs and I felt that between Morton and McHugh it was a good bet. The Dodgers didn’t get to where they are by folding. Yet we had the momentum and should have capitalized on it. Keuchel and Kershaw should be a 50/50 proposition for tomorrow but we might have the edge given it’s at home. Yes, we had a good shot at winning it in 5 IMHO.


  19. What’s the old saying? In order to be the best you have to beat the best! This definitely applies to our hometown nine tomorrow. We’ve got to find a way to beat the best pitcher on the planet! We can do it. It won’t be easy but we can do it. Who knows maybe he will struggle just like Darvish did we will be able to capitalize. I’m hoping we see vintage Dallas Keuchel (2015 and early 2017) version tomorrow night. We are still only two wins away from a World Series championship! The first in the history of the state of Texas!


  20. First, I still do not understand Hinch and his use of the bullpen. But we went over that starting in New York. Second, 2 hits. 2 hits, 2 hits. 2 hits.

    Giles must not be healthy and Gregerson must have put his two index fingers up to his eyes.


  21. I don’t want to overreact. The offense took the night off – junk ball lefties give them fits. Harris got the nod because he slammed the door in game two. I think McCann forgot the situation leading off the ninth. You have one of the most aggressive hitters in the game leading off and call for an inner half fastball?

    We need two wins. Get one tonight against Kershaw and the odds look great. Drop this one and it’s a tall hill to climb.


    • That first Giles batter ended up with an unfortunate outcome. They got a routine ground ball that found a hole. But then Giles freaked out and the rest is history.


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