A few Saturday observations from a team that shoulda, coulda, woulda

Just a few Saturday thoughts while touring Colorado and heading into Wyoming later today and Yellowstone tomorrow.

This looks like a college team.

  • When you look at Bregman, Carlos Correa, Jose Altuve and even George Springer, Kemp and Preston Tucker, they look young, slim and very collegial. Not that they play that way necessarily, not saying that. But pants legs up, white shoes in some instances and baby faces, much of the lineup looks like a crew that should be playing in Omaha. Of course, these guys will bulk up as they age and that slender, young 20s physique will become more “veteran”, but for now, they’d compare favorably — at least in a photo — to the Rice or UH team photos.

Who’s in the core?

  • I often pose this question or scenario, but which players will be around in 2017? Given the state of affairs in the organization, is a real blockbuster in the cards this winter? Would a Dallas Keuchel or Jose Altuve hit the trade block to bring back a hard throwing, top-of-the-rotation pitcher, strong center fielder and/or solid, top line catcher? Probably not, but there are definite holes and the organization isn’t ripe with a large number of prospects to use as trade bait. At least not like years gone by. If the Astros improve through trade, someone is going who at least some fans will be unhappy about.

Which player — now gone — would have helped the Astros most this season?

  • Dexter Fowler might be a nice piece in CF this season. Of course, who wouldn’t want Vincent Velasquez in the rotation (though he gave up nine runs in his most recent start)? Mike Foltynewicz has been hit or miss and a few other guys have just plain bombed. Other than Velasquez, anyone that played in Houston the last two years that you believe could have put this team over the top?

And some real thought-provoking Saturday questions.

  • Where do you hit Yulieski Gurriel in the Astros’ lineup?
  • Where does he play? And, if that’s third base, what happens to Alex Bregman?
  • Which Astros’ player has earned the Most Disappointing Award for 2016?
  • We’ve discussed the tipping point for this season. Some have suggested that was the signing of Colby Rasmus. Others have pointed to the off-season trades. What say you? When did the season tip from promising to ah-oh?
  • And, the $64,000 question: Can Jeff Luhnow take the organization to the next level? Or is just the guy who positions the team for the next guy?




153 responses to “A few Saturday observations from a team that shoulda, coulda, woulda”

  1. Billy….I have my doubts that they will let Danry go, he might be put on the restricted list….but I doubt they will cut ties with him. We might be on our own for a while, so everybody be nice!! LOL!!! I’m just kidding with you.


    • He…has a bit of ‘history’, so I’m not sure. There’s supposedly video evidence so it would be hard to deny.


      • Major league baseball may take it out of Luhnow’s hand,but I would be surprised if he was let go. He’s a really good outfielder…..and the Astros have spent a lot of money and time on him.


      • He was already suspended once this year…seems to really love using his fists.

        No patience here for something like that. Just my opinion, but I have no tolerance for that.


  2. If Danry did it, I think the Astros will cut him loose.
    Bregman gets us back in the game. Gattis fails as a DH once again.


  3. The Astros are missing a GOLDEN opportunity to cash in here early…..I just hope they don’t blow the chance. Never mind…..Correa struck out. RATS.
    Evidently Danry has not played since the end of July…..restricted list. I don’t know about his previous history, but if this isn’t his first time then yes, let him go. Another team will scoop him up in a New York minute.


  4. I would like to make a complaint about strategy in the first inning.
    You have the pitcher back on his heels. He has not retired any of the first 4 batters. He hit a batter, threw a pitch wild enough even Yadier could not stop it, gave up a major leaguers first HR and threw away a pickoff throw by about 3 feet short and wide. He is shook up after about a 10 pitch walk to Correa.
    You have two guys on base and what do you do? You do him a favor by bunting, so he does have time to wonder how he will get the next out. And you bunt them over (by the way it came real close to being a force at 3rd) so that a guy who loves to strike out or pop out with RISP does just that.
    If the reason you did it is because MarGo is hurting and might be easily doubled up – then why the heck is he in the 5 hole where he will likely be batting with guys on base between Altuve and Correa.
    Marwin hitting a HR in the 3rd inning only rubbed more salt in the wound.


  5. Dang it Keuchel…if your rage arm can only hit 88 with your FB you dang well better keep it in the bottom of the zone!


  6. At the game tonight. Sorry to say, but Keuchel does not have “ace” stuff. FB sitting between 87-89 with little command of location. Almost no sliders thrown and CB left up in the zone. Seems to be regression to career numbers. I’m starting to thin 2nd half 2015 through 2016 were the anomaly.


  7. We lost this game, Keuchel couldn’t pitch, Neshack couldn’t pitch…..and the rest of this team went brain dead on their day off. Meanwhile….the other team in texas lost harrell, in the 2nd inning, and they are still IN thier game. Just shaking my head, it’s like they are trying to lose. I hate days off at home….they just play HORRIBLE the next day. DANG IT.😠😠


    • Honestly, with this seasons numbers Keuchel is a borderline #5 starter. With this starts his numbers are worse that Fiers or McHugh. It is very arguable that Devenski, Feliz or a ML prospect should be getting starts in his place. The FB velocity is so far down as to render it an ineffective pitch.


      • Surprising is that Scott Feldman never had an ERA near as bad as Keuchel’s in hi 3 years with the Astros. Feldman’s worst ERA in his 3 year stint was well under 4.


      • Which begs the question – what happened? We have seen plenty of guys lose velocity. Some get it back. Keuchel has had worse stuff than Olberholtzer (who was DFA by Philly and picked up by ANA) in many of his starts. If it’s an injury, why didn’t they shut him down for awhile? If it’s not, well, that’s scary for 2017 and onward.


      • Devin, that’s a good point. It is arguable that Keuchel should not have a starting spot right now. In fact I would support shutting him down for the rest of the year. I think there is a good chance that he is suffering from too rapid of a build up in innings (85, 153, 200, 232). Shutting him down now will not hurt the team. If he comes into 2017 with the same velocity and command he probably won’t make the rotation.


      • The innings increase sounds logical.

        Maybe he hurt himself though in that relief appearance v KC in the playoffs? He hasn’t been right since…


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