Opening Day: What do you predict?

In the area of sports, ESPN is considered the king, while ESP is often lacking. OK – maybe ESPN is the biggest self-hype organization in the sports arena, but you get the idea. The folks who log into this blog are as knowledgeable as any fans around. So, heading into this season full of such hope for the Houston Astros, this is your chance to make predictions for the coming year.

There are no rules here – you can make your predictions in any area you choose, but the following are some starter questions that you might like to use.

  • What will the Astros record be at the end of the season?
  • Will they make the playoffs?
  • Will they make it to the World Series?
  • Will they… (can’t jinx it by saying it here – but you know the next question)?
  • Will anyone win a major award (Manager of the year, MVP, Cy Young, ROY)? Who?
  • Who will be the biggest surprise on the pitching side? Hitting side?
  • Who will lead the team in wins, saves, etc.?
  • Who will lead the team in BA, HR, RBIs, etc?
  • Who will be the first player brought up from the minors?
  • Who will be the biggest disappointment this season?
  • Which positions will they have to reinforce during the season?
  • Their home attendance went from 1.75 million to 2.15 million from 2014 to 2015. What will it be in 2016?
  • Will the sophomore jinx hit Carlos Correa? Lance McCullers Jr.? Preston Tucker?
  • Will Tyler White fill the decade long gap at first base?
  • Who will improve the most offensively over 2015 – Jason Castro, Luis Valbuena, or Evan Gattis?
  • What is the over/under on number of games played for George Springer?
  • Are you excited, anxious, afraid or other about the coming season?

So, here is your chance to take your best shot at predictions for the coming season. What do you predict?


26 responses to “Opening Day: What do you predict?”

  1. 1. 92-69 with 1 rain out. It will not be needed because they will have a 2 or more game lead in the West. 2. Yes. 3. No. 4 & 5. Because of #3 – no major awards. 6. The + impact of Giles and the regression of McHugh. 7 & 8 Skip. 9. 1st up – The hottest pitcher in Fresno that is on the 40 man. 10. Losing in the playoffs to Tampa Rays. (Attendance: 2.6 Million.) I am excited, yet anxious. Just wish we could have added one or two more improvements.


  2. As I said earlier, I predict 94 wins and the Astros will make the playoffs.
    Altuve will lead the team in B.A. hits and steals.
    Correa will lead in HR’s and RBI’s
    Moran will be the first call up after our present 3 baseman is traded. Musgrove will be next after one of our 3-4-5 falters.
    Keuchel will have another vintage year.
    Reed will stay in the minors until they figure out what to do with Gattis.


  3. First off, barring the commish upholding the protest, the Astros are above .500 on the road. After last season I see that as a very good thing. Direct TV really screwed up on recording the game because they did not have the makeup game relisted and so I could not set up a recording. So I only saw two innings. I’m recording it tonight to see the rest.
    I am going to answer the questions based on the premise that Luhnow does everything to utilize the talents of the organization, rather than thinking about money.
    1. 92-70
    2. Yes, they make the playoffs
    3. Yes they make it to the world series.
    4. Yes, I have to say yes because saying no, with 29 other teams to consider is just too easy.
    5. Hinch- MOY Keuchel-CYA Major ax to grind
    6 Pitching side- Fiers Hitting side-Tucker
    7.Wins- Keuchel Saves-Gregerson- Major chip on his shoulder
    8. team leader BA-Altuve…..HRs-Correa… RBIs-Correa… SBs-Altuve
    9. First player from minors-Hoyt
    10. Biggest disappointment-Neshek
    11. Places to shore up-1B and BP
    12. Attendance- 2.8 million
    13. No sophomore jinx
    14. I still think White and Tucker end up at DH and Reed ends up at 1B.
    15. Who improves offensively of the three- Valbuena
    16.Over/under for Springer-130 games
    17. I am excited.
    Dallas Keuchel! How stacked could the deck be against him and, yet, there he stands with win #1. Amazing.
    Tyler White with two hits, one to CF and one to the right hand. So he gets hit, just like all the Astros did last year and this spring. I don’t like it.


  4. I’ll make predictions a little later.
    Some thoughts about a great first game win.
    – I was listening to the radio stuck in a traffic jam on the way to Deer Park. In the big 8th inning rally, the pitcher thought he struck out Valbuena on a 2-2 pitch, but it was called a ball. The much maligned Steve Sparks (and I am one of the maligners) says (more or less), “After a pitch like that where the pitcher thought he got out of the jam – what happens on the next pitch is usually not good news for him.” Next pitch Valbuena lines a 2 run single to give the ‘Stros a 3 run lead.
    – Speed kills. They stole 3 bases including a key call reversal on a review and they forced the issue with Rasmus scoring from first – breaking with the pitch on Valbuena’s hit. This was a key for them for this game and made sense as the cold weather seemed to make Mr. McCann more normal behind the plate.
    – I felt bad that Giles gave up the big home run, but happy that he did not melt down, and cut down the next 3.
    – Gregerson says – don’t doubt me – I am your Save-meister.
    – Correa can’t have a sophomore slump yet – he has only played in 100 total games. In those 100 games he has hit 23 home runs and according to the broadcast crew that is the most by a SS in his first 100 games in MLB history. Second was 16 by Garciaparra. As the saying goes – that would be more….
    – Keuchel is a beast. Yes he gave up the 2 runs (with some bobble help from CC), but he knuckled down and overcame the elements and gave them a chance to win it for him. And they did.

    Liked by 3 people

      • That is big, Dan. I hope the trend continues because it looks like he will be our leadoff man nearly every game.


    • The 2-2 to Valbuena was a ball, clearly on the screen. The point I’ve made about pitchers having poise.. The Yankees pitcher and Gerardi are spoiled brats, playing the game under protest? How juvenile is that? Apparently, when youre handed everything in NY and daddy doesnt spank you for taking the candy, you think it all belongs to you.. Yes Correa should have made the play – Keuchel made the perfect pitch vs Headley, but true to his professionalism, DK looked up, gave a little smirk and bore down on the next guy. Thats confidence, unlike the desperation behind the Yankees.

      And another thing, the ump who called Correa out stealing twice.. Sad state of affairs. Ya got one job to do, paid real well for it, and until the ball flew about 10 feet away, the ump didnt change his call. That ump literally stood there thinking how he was going to say the baseman held the ball long enough. The other called out Correa said ‘nope, look at the replay’. Wasnt even close and tag never even applied. If youre gonna cheat, Umps, at least MAKE IT LOOK GOOD. Keystone cops


  5. My only prediction is that this team will win 97 games during the regular season and then go into the playoffs where anything can happen in a short series.

    But I’d rather talk about todays opener. Anytime you go into New York and win a significant game, it’s a big day. The Houston Astros spoiled Opening Day at Yankee Stadium! Keuchel showed why he’s a Cy Young winner, shaking off a cold start and pitching a heck of a game. And Kevin, I don’t mean to dog you, but that bobble by Correa was not a routine double play ball even in July, but we expect him to make that play. I wonder how many Yankee fans went home shaking their heads after witnessing todays performance by our 21 year old shortstop. I’ll bet they were thinking of a Jeter, or a young A Rod, but better. Our new hit machine singled in his first MLB at bat. I thought he should have been starting today, because Marwin does not hit righty pitching, but then again, Marwin made a couple of plays at first that White probably does not. A nod to Hinch. A huge hit by Valbuena. If he strokes the ball like that, not trying to put it over the fence every time up, he’ll hit .250 plus. And heck, we’ve got two closers! It’s going to fun watching that pair try to out perform each other. What did I miss?


  6. 92-70
    Correa (mvp) Kuechel (cy)
    Friers, White
    AltiVec, Correa, Rasmus
    Third base, backup catcher
    Castro, I’m praying for
    Yes, I’m excited, anxious, and afraid
    I predict a WS win if McCullers comes back and picks up where he left off last year


  7. Did not get to see the game, did not get to listen to the game……did see “some” Bluebonnetts, had a great lunch in Navasota and hugged my big brother good bye.
    Just watching the highlights of the game, it appears that the boys are back!! The next pitcher that hits one of our guys has a bulls eye on his back. I’m not kidding this crap has to stop….and if it doesn’t if I’m Hinch, I’m giving my guy the ok to hit their best player. Now….what’s up with the new guy in the bullpen who gave up a homerun today? He’s “a little” surprised Hinch gave Gregersen the closers job? You will have to earn it, you little twit….I already don’t like this guy.
    And the Yankees are already sizing Correa’S uniform….they will be patient, but they will be calling that young man when he hits the open market….you can take THAT to the bank. In the mean time we get to enjoy seeing him hit homeruns and twirl mid air and make plays that haven’t been invented yet! Good game fellas!!


  8. So Dan’s predictions:
    – 94-68
    – They will win it all – not kidding – this is the year.
    – Correa will lead them in HR and RBIs
    – Tyler White will lead them in BA (OK I can dream right?)
    – The new patient Altuve leads them in OBP and SBs
    – Luis Valbuena will be the one guy who really improves at the bat
    – The Astros draw 2.7 million
    – Altuve is MVP, Hinch Manager of the Year
    – Keuchel leads them in almost everything – wins, IPs, CGs, Shutouts, Ks
    – Gregerson saves the most game, but Giles picks up more as the year goes along
    – Biggest disappointment – Fister??
    – First up – Musgrove


    • Dan, do you think Musgrove’s assignment to Corpus Christi today makes him closer to being called up or farther away than if had been to Fresno?


      • Not sure it matters based on how LMJ was handled though it could be a sign that I am wrong and he is not next in line


  9. Wow. You all are way more optimistic than I am.
    – 88 – 74
    – Yes…probably win West
    – Plead the fifth
    – See above
    – Probably not
    – No surprises
    – Keuchel, Gregerson
    – Correa for triple crown categories on team
    – Peacock
    – Giles
    – SP
    – 2.3 million
    – LMJ probably regresses in stats, but surpasses his 2015 wins.
    – I want White to happen. Hinch has to get him into the games consistently.
    – Valbuena
    – 130 Springer games
    – excited!

    Why am I not more bullish? I think the AL West stinks, but the Astros pitching is just not good enough to expect dominance and consistent series wins.


  10. howdy all.
    astros win 95. they make the playoffs and have a deeper run than last year.
    keuchel leads in wins and gregerson in saves
    reed is brought up first
    2.5 million in attendance this year
    im excited about the season


  11. Favorite part.

    Optimistic. 92-70.
    I lean to no, but you can’t predict short series and call yourself genius at the end if you guess right.
    Correa – MVP, White – ROY if they don’t split his time with Gonzalez and give him the AB’s to win it. It wouldn’t surprise me if Altuve’s power continues to grow enough for him to get some MVP consideration at the end of the year.
    Surprises – Fiers from the pitching side, I’m thinking 12-14 maybe 15 wins. Hitting – I don’t think there will be any. Maybe Tucker if he gets enough ABs, maybe Valbuena if he finds some seeing eye grounders to a decent BABIP.
    Wins – Keuchel, Saves – Giles.
    BA- Altuve, HR – Springer, RBI – Correa, SB – Altuve.
    Disappointment – Rasmus.
    Maybe catcher, maybe third, maybe left field. Right field could be an issue if Springer continues to play half a season worth of games, there is a steep drop off in talent from Rasmus/Gomez/Springer to the next level.
    2.4 mil.
    I think they all avoid it but McCullers is probably the best candidate.
    No because A.J. Reed will fill it. I hope the Astros find room for both long term.
    Castro, Gattis and Valbuena should be similar. I guess Gattis has the best chance to be slightly better.

    I’ll throw a bonus in and give the Mariners as the Astros biggest challenge, not the Rangers. I think Texas has to be concerned with the lack of health in that pitching staff no matter how good it can be.


  12. The Astros will finish this season with a 95 – 67 record and will make it to the World Series. If the pitching holds up then, yes, they will win the Series.

    If White can continue to hit, hit, and hit again, he will have an excellent chance to become the AL ROY. Let’s see what Reed does when he comes up. Reed will be in that equation. Kuechel will be in the running for the CYA.

    Fiers hitting double digits in wins and Springer playing the entire year without injury to collect 30+ hrs and 90+ rbi’s will be the surprises.

    Keuchel leads in wins and ERA while Giles will lead in saves. McCullers leads in SOs.

    Altuve will lead in BA and SBs. Gattis, if he stays the entire season, will lead in HRs. Correa and White will duke it out for the RBI lead. Correa will lead in BBs.

    First up will be Reed, and the biggest disaapointment will be Fister.

    The catching position will need reinforcing and the attendance will be about 2.5 million.

    No sophmore jinxes and Whit ewill not be th eanswer at first base. That answer goes by the name of Reed. White will become the longterm DH.

    Castro will become better offensively.

    Springer will play in 150+ games.

    I am EXCITED abouth this season.


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