Norris traded to Orioles, Maxwell to KC

  • 1:30 Update: Erik Bedard scratched from start tonight.
  • 2:30 Update: Justin Maxwell traded to Kansas City for minor league pitcher Kyle Smith, ranked 11th in the Royals system.
  • 2:39 Update: Bud Norris headed to Baltimore for OF L.J. Hoes (7th in Orioles system) and LHP Josh Hader (5th).

The Bud Norris saga enters its final day. Perhaps. Probably. Definitely maybe.

It wouldn’t be the end of the world if the Astros don’t trade Bud Norris today.

Still, with just hours before the trade deadline, Jeff Luhnow is still entertaining offers for the team’s so-called #1 pitcher.

Here’s the update: Two of the best pitchers available — Jake Peavy and Matt Garza — have been moved. At least two of the teams said to previously have some interest in Norris — Texas and Boston — have filled their needs. Apparently, the leading contenders to acquire Norris’ services are Baltimore and Pittsburgh. Both have plenty of stock in their systems to draw the interest of the Astros.

But, a deal just to make a deal isn’t in the best interest of Houston. Despite his inconsistency and struggles, Norris is still quite valuable with his low $3 million salary and two more arbitration years.

Another possibility: Luhnow could simply be using the deadline as a test round for the winter. By then, he’ll have more options for his rotation and will have a better gauge for Norris’ value. Indeed, more teams could be in play come November and December.

If Norris is in the rotation the rest of the season, it also provides more incubation time for Mike Foltynewicz and Asher Wojciechowski and provides flexibility for Bo Porter.

So what say you on this Final Day?

  • Trade him, regardless of return.
  • Hold ’em.
  • Trade him, and get top return.

By the way, if Norris isn’t traded today, it’s unlikely he’ll be traded in August. Once the deadline passes, players must go through revocable waivers to be traded by the “second” deadline August 31. No way Norris clears those waivers as almost every team — even those who aren’t in the current sweepstakes — would claim him.

There is a caveat and exception to the above statement: If the Astros do expose him to waivers and a team claims him, they could make a trade with that club and that club only. Failing that, the team could pull him back, though they wouldn’t be allowed to repeat the process.

It wouldn’t be the end of the world if Norris isn’t traded today.

17 responses to “Norris traded to Orioles, Maxwell to KC”

  1. Great baseball minds think alike Chip. I was thinking the same thing on the way into work today; that the Astros are not compelled to give Norris away at the deadline – so my vote is definitely to trade him only for top return – otherwise hang onto him.
    Now one other way to look at Texas and Boston filling their pitching needs with Garza and Peavy respectively is that Norris has now moved up to the top of the list of available pitchers and that some other teams besides Pittsburgh and Baltimore may be in the mix – specifically I’ve seen Arizona mentioned. So – keep taking those calls Luhnow and if you can get what you see as good value go for it – and if you don’t, hold ’em. If you trade him – the fans would like to see somebody whose estimated time of arrival is before 2017, but base line – In Luhnow We Trust (possibly because we do not have a choice).


  2. Totally agree with Chip and Dan. The last thing we want to do is trade Norris just to get filler in our farm system. Norris is not a bad pitcher. He is just not as good as other #1 starters. If we are not offered a near-ready sure-fire major leaguer, then I vote to keep Norris. Quantity in the farm system does not equal quality.


  3. Wouldn’t it be a bit embarrassing if Norris does not get moved in the next few hours, after being pulled from his start last night? And if that remains the case, he still has to face 8 lefties tonight. On the road.

    But as seems to be the consensus, no need to give Norris away at this point. He can always be traded during the winter meetings, or again sometime next year.

    If he would just start proving he can win on the road, then he becomes all that much more valuable in a trade situation.


    • daveb – I guess I could point out if the team management is not embarrassed by their probably 3rd year in a row of worst in the majors record – holding a guy out of a game for a day is not going to come close to making them red-faced….


  4. Tons of rumors about Norris – Pirates, Orioles, D’Backs, Braves, Rangers and Giants have all been mentioned at various times. I guess the Astros are waiting for one of the suitors to blink and sweeten the pot. I hope the Astros do not blink and that they simply walk away if nothing good happens before the deadline.


  5. They are saying we will get Kyle Smith – a 20 yr old pitcher at high A ball with pretty decent numbers for Maxwell. That would be a pretty good pickup for somebody we picked up off the trash heap and who has not done much in 2013.


  6. And for Norris we are supposedly getting their #5 prospect – Josh Hader – a 19 year old lefty pitcher with good numbers at A ball, their #7 prospect LJ Hoes – OF who has JB Shuck kind of numbers at AAA (over .400 OBP – minimal power) and their sandwich pick in next year’s draft.


  7. I like the return for Maxwell since I was never on that bandwagon. As for the trade of Norris. Hoes (he needs a quick name change) however looks to me just like another guy in the outfield. I guess the young pitcher was the real centerpiece of the draft, although if we continue our streak at the 1-1 position, I believe we will get the 33rd pick next year. Maybe that was the centerpiece of the trade?


  8. Just read that Hader, if the medicals are OK, could be a potential Chris Sale clone — same build, same delivery, etc. I’ll take that — even if, as reported, Luhnow wanted Zach Britton. As for Hoes, this team just needs players who make some contact and reach base. Hopefully he’s an upgrade from Shuck, but I was devastated when Geoff let him go. Sometimes tools aren’t everything. Shuck plays hard. Hopefully this guy does to. And people seem to be shrugging off the #33 pick. Now there’s your real prospect in this deal. Don’t think the Astros FO hasn’t already mocked that out and know the company they’ll be looking at at that number. Obviously, nearly 30 teams had an opportunity to pick up Norris and obviously not many like him, even with the two years of control. Luhnow wasn’t going to do as well during the offseason I don’t believe.
    And as for Smith: I’m all in! Afterall, in the end, it’s really all about pitching.!


    • Eric, I refuse to believe Luhnow was interested in Zach Britton. I’ve seen him enough at Norfolk in previous years and with the big league club to feel he’s a couple spots in the rotation below JA Happ.

      Getting Hader and the compensation round pick sounds pretty solid. Hoes likely represents a more functional reserve outfielder than the guys we have (JD Martinez, Parades, etc.).

      I like the Kyle Smith acquisition for Maxwell. There should be a good arms race in our camp next spring for spots at each level. I only have two questions: can our injured guys come back strong and is Luhnow going to start moving pitching potential to get more potential pieces for the other eight spots on the field?


      • If anyone is still reading here, I realized I was thinking of the wrong lefty. I’d love to have seen Britton ply his trade in Houston. I don’t think highly of Brian Matusz, although he’s had a very good season out of the pen this year.


  9. I think Hoes was the throw-in on this deal. Hader and the draft pick look like the real win.

    The Norris deal looked like a tie to me. We got right at Norris’ value, nothing more, nothing less.

    The mere fact we could get anything more than a bucket of warm spit for Maxwell made my day though. WOW! And this kid looks like a descent prospect.

    Add to that the young outfielder for Veras and I call the last couple of days a win.

    All this, and I have tickets to Friday night’s game in MPLS. Should get tickets for Saturday as well. Just disappointed that I’ll be seeing Hoes instead of Springer in the outfield. Bummer.


  10. I like Hader. A 2.65 ERA at the age of 19 in 17 A ball starts? He’s going to be a big lefty someday, at 6’3″ and just 160 pounds now.


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