Bud scratched from start; “chatter” suggests he’s a goner

We’ll update as necessary, but this is the place for Bud Norris trade conversation.

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Looks like Bud is a goner. If the CIA or national security folks were involved, they’d be speculating about something breaking imminent with all the “chatter”. Baltimore? Pittsburgh? Boston? A mystery team?

Whether he’s traded today, tomorrow or this winter, it seems clear that Norris is not a fit for Jeff Luhnow’s blueprint of the future. The likes of Cosart, Lyles, Appel and others will likely grace the rotation in 2014 and 2015 when the Astros start to realize the fruits of the rebuilding project that began in earnest in 2010.

Get the Bud conversation rolling, but check back often for updates and opinions.

18 responses to “Bud scratched from start; “chatter” suggests he’s a goner”

  1. The Pirates rumor seems to center around 19 year old Tyler Glasnow, a RHP at A ball who is striking out 12.5 batters / 9 IP and amazingly walks (4.9 / 9 IP) more players than get hits (4.6 / 9 IP) off of him. So I’m guessing he has ungodly stuff that the batter does not know where it is going and he doesn’t either….
    Would sure like to see them pick up someone who we would get to see in the next calendar year. Of course if this guy is the second coming of JR Richard – all is forgiven.


    • Well, Dan, he is 6-7, so he’s close to J.R. in stature. I looked at his stats earlier this morning and my first reaction to his K totals was “Heck, this guy must throw 150!” Obviously not, but he does compare reasonably — at least in stature and stats — to Nolan and J.R. Hopefully, though, the Astros bring much more in return for Bud…or just stand pat until the winter.


      • I hope he got scratched because a deal is near, and not because Showalter was going to start eight lefty batters against him.


  2. I would not mind picking up a project like Glasnow with what must be a killer arm, if…. if we get something else that is a lot closer to major league ready. An outfielder that does not cool off the first section of seats when fanning 150 times would be nice.


    • Becky, I am starting to think the Astros believe the two in CC will be their next catchers. No mention of catchers in trades, and no extension to date for Castro.


      • I’ve been following Max Stassi, and I *hope* this kid can bring his bat and defense
        to the Astros………..SOON. It will be interesting to see if Luhnow is even THINKING
        of an extension for Castro. He’s not blind, he sees what WE see.


  3. One thing we have not talked about are the Astros bullpen moves yesterday. Along with Veras being traded they sent Ambriz (deservedly) down and brought up Zeid and Lo. Hey, I’d rather see young guys get a shot than more old guys….


  4. I “think” Villar might be the first guy to steal home this year in MLB. I’ve never seen
    a guy do that, but I would LOVE to see it in person! Becky


    • I did it ONCE when I was playing Pony ball. I’m possibly the third slowest human on earth after Tony Eusebio and Matt Dominguez so I guess surprise worked in my favor. Still lost 10-1 lol


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