Astros’ fans: Whatchathink?

Today your writing servant is going to get your opinion on a few questions related to your favorite team. Well to qualify that statement, these questions are about the Astros, and they might or might not be your favorite team.

  1. Are you excited to see the 2021 version of the team, or do you picture having a 2020 hangover?
  2. What is the biggest need for the team in 2021?
  3. What grade would you give Manager Dusty Baker for 2020? For extra credit, you could write an essay analyzing his performance in depth.
  4. 2020 was a down offensive year across baseball and especially for the Astros. Do you think that was a one-off and they will bounce back big time in 2021?
  5. Did you follow the 2020 Astros less closely than previous versions? Are you ready to come back?
  6. If you could make a no-sign list for George Springer (5 teams that you don’t want him to sign with), which teams would you put on the banned list?
  7. Would you rather the Astros trade Carlos Correa before the season, at the trade deadline, at the trade deadline only if they are out of the race, or hold him to the end of the season and put a qualifying offer on him?
  8. Are there any untouchables on the Astros (major league or minor league players)?
  9. Of all the rookies that debuted for the Astros in 2020, which one surprised you the most?
  10. For local fans…..With the Astros moving their AAA team to Sugar Land, will you go check them out this year (provided anyone can attend)?

Have fun…..

68 responses to “Astros’ fans: Whatchathink?”

  1. Are you excited to see the 2021 version of the team, or do you picture having a 2020 hangover?

    I ma sitting on the fence on this question. of course, I want to see them sprint out to a large lead in the division and league but, I am also concerned about them being so-so due to the outfield not returning.

    What is the biggest need for the team in 2021?

    The biggest need is for the entire infield to step up to their 2017 – 2019 production.

    What grade would you give Manager Dusty Baker for 2020? For extra credit, you could write an essay analyzing his performance in depth.

    I was disappointed with him through most of the regular season but he really stepped it up in the post season play.

    2020 was a down offensive year across baseball and especially for the Astros. Do you think that was a one-off and they will bounce back big time in 2021?


    Did you follow the 2020 Astros less closely than previous versions?

    I was taken aback by their sitting out that one game, when Oakland came to town to begin the season. I was really upset about their advertising political issues. Seeing how they moved away from that advertising soon after, made coming back easier.

    If you could make a no-sign list for George Springer (5 teams that you don’t want him to sign with), which teams would you put on the banned list?

    New York Yankees, Boston Red Sox, any American League team. (I know, that is more than 5)

    Would you rather the Astros trade Carlos Correa before the season, at the trade deadline, at the trade deadline only if they are out of the race, or hold him to the end of the season and put a qualifying offer on him?

    If he refuses an extension before the next season begins, then trade him soon.

    Are there any untouchables on the Astros (major league or minor league players)?

    Altuve, Bregman, Correa.

    Of all the rookies that debuted for the Astros in 2020, which one surprised you the most?

    Justin Verlander getting injured. He takes such care of himself.

    For local fans…..With the Astros moving their AAA team to Sugar Land, will you go check them out this year (provided anyone can attend)?

    Yes! I am considering purchasing season tickets when they become available.

    Liked by 2 people

      • Well Sarge – Framber was not a rookie debuting (though I will agree he was the most surprising performance for the team period).
        Overall – enjoyed reading your answers. I was thinking that Tucker and Yordan have to be on the untouchable list, because of how much control you have over them and how they will be making really low salaries until arbitration.

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  2. 1. My hangover was from the 2019 WS and the 2020 offseason. How Hinch got outmanaged and the Astros got outplayed by Washington hurt a lot.
    But, nothing hurt like “it”.
    I stopped watching the Astros the last month of the season for several reasons. Mostly because of the way they played. I hated how they laid down for the A’s and the Angels and how they played on the road. I hated it.

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  3. So, if the Astros 2021 were a movie, would it be titled, Hangover IV?

    Touche’, Dan, but it’s still too early for me. Still dumbfounded because I didn’t think anybody was going to beat us in ’18, or ’19.

    Biggest team need? Good question, James Click is on Astroline at 6, I’ll ask him.
    Outfielder before a Starter, then a relief arm = 3 bigger needs. As you know, I have several in mind in-house though, so they better be gangbusters if they want to make this team. I just saw Tyler Naquin bad yr platoon piece will come available, and he’d be $1M pushing the prospects with good power.

    Kind of like shopping for a bottle of wine though, Dusty says you gotta look top shelf, Jim. I noticed Cuban Ohtani Colas got out of his Japan deal. I wrote about him a year ago, with Pedro Leon. With $5M we probably cannot sign both unless the IFA [Owners cry poor] is depressed.

    -Baker seemed to do an excellent job competing last season. He got mad, tosses and turns at night like Strom when the team lost, but that fiery old fox still has some moves too! He came in and played the hand they dealt him–not his first vineyard to savor. I like he seemed to defer to coaches. Also let his own players, the Field Generals I call him, Maldonado and Captain Correa run the team on the field. Very wise. I give him an A+ for treating Framber with respect, and unleashing that kid. It’s wonderful he had a good pulse on his young arms, and seemed to inspire them (Blake Taylor, Enoli Paredes, etc.)

    -Betcha offense was way off mostly because they took video away in-game! Plus, teams had to put in compliance officers to keep the sign stealing talk at a minimum. I always considered it a battle between pitching and hitting supremecy, like using foreign substance to offset advantages, or a jackrabbit baseball vs the playoff baseball where OF were consistently over running the ball, or moving the mound back, or higher/lower. If offense became so bad, Umps could tighten the zone. Long answer: I don’t know if it will improve. I’ll say a little with longer season, arms get tired, and “more times through,” hitter advantage.

    I didn’t like the political stuff in ’20, and polls said we want it Out of Sports. I’ll be glad to see less of that, if it happens.

    Banned list for Georgie? I suppose any team where he delivers a final dagger. I wouldn’t mind seeing Forrest Whitley strike him out to knock Blue Jays out of the 2021 ALCS–thinking positive. If it would mean TOR throttles NYY, and Cavan Biggio gets to see the playoffs.

    Correa? If it was my decision today, I’d look at any Bowl Me Over Offers. Since only a few would come in like the Reds or Jays (given the climate), 90% keep him and decide at deadline. I don’t foresee us totally out of playoffs, so there wouldn’t be much incentive when he could be a playoff monster. Even then, one never knows if a player could have a change of heart during battle together, that he might make sacrifices for a team friendlier deal? Baseball players are like elephants and have a long memory if ever betrayed. Jim Crane has delivered millions and millions to PR in several crises, we drafted his brother who is a *decent prospect — who knows how far that goes w/the player…ahem, and his wife?

    8. Untouchables: Tucker Whitely Alvarez hasn’t changed in my mind. Yes, that good. Alright alright, every man has his price.
    9. Biggest surprises were Andre Scrubb and Brooks Raley. Most pleasant one was Javier.
    10. Yes, AAA. I’ll write a piece soon on the potential players who will be climbing up from lower levels that fans will get to see, like Valente Bellozo, or Korey Lee!

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  4. 1. 2020 was a summer exhibition event. Bring on 2021.
    2. By all means, a centerfielder.
    3. I give Dusty an A-. He gets the minus only because it looked to me that a couple of guys seemed to be feeling sorry for themselves, or worse, mailing it in. Then the kids seemed to wake up the listless, hungover codgers. And Baker gets a heck of a lot of credit for turning those kids into confident major league baseball players.

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  5. 1. Bring on 2021. 2. Click and Crane to step up. 3. Unknown 4. 2021 will be an up year for the main players. 5. No MLB games in 2020. Am ready for a good, non-political year. 6. Teams in our division. 7. Carlos for Trout, or no deal. 8. No one is untouchable, but some would require a very high price. 9. N/A. 10. Doubt it.

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  6. 1. 2021 – Let’s get the show on the road
    2. CF, Closer, LF
    3. Originally he started with a C- but finished strong with an A-. It just took a little time for him to become acclimated and us getting used to his style of mgmt.
    4. The Big Bounce back.
    5. Still watched on my MLB subscription save for the political era. People watch sports to escape the everyday things in the world. Keep them out of sports or we’ll turn them off too.
    6. As others have said, no AL teams, but it wouldn’t surprise me to see Boston, Toronto, or Detroit.
    7. Unless it’s a block buster deal in our favor. As to the trade deadline, I don’t expect us to be out of the race, so a QO if no LT deal. If he makes his intentions known that he wants to move on then find a great deal.
    8. Tucker, Yordan, Whitley and to a lesser extent Framber and Urquidy. I think these guys are going to perform in 2021.
    9. Javier and Paredes (I think they’re rookies)
    10. Don’t live there so no, but as I said earlier I’m about 2 hours from Fayetteville so maybe get a chance to go see the Woodpeckers.

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    • Have you seen any numbers on what they were offered, Op?

      Astros could strike right now and give Correa AAV of what they would if it was end of the season. So instead of 12m arb, offer 3 years at 18 each. that’s in the ballpark imo. Based on the let’s call it, Dark Winter projections anyway.

      I wouldn’t be surprised if they are trying to get that done.

      SS is a lot like our OF situation. We’ll be 100% set in 2023, but need a little help til then.

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  7. 4. Our guys are going to hit and that includes Altuve and Bregman. If Alvarez gets 500 PA’s, he’ll put up big numbers. If Toro gets a bench job, he’s got to improve, no? But this is the year Diaz actually has good health and a real impact. That’s why I’m not so worried about a defense first guy in center.

    5. I followed the Astros just as closely but with a certain level of detachment. I’m in, but I’ll never be all in again after all the drama of 2019 into 2020. It’s actually easier watching. I simply don’t care as much.

    6. I don’t care where George plays, assuming it is not in Houston. In fact, I’d like to be on a team that meets up against the Astros regularly, so we can see him often. There would certainly be a buzz every time he comes to town.

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    • Yes, I’d like to be on a team that meets up with the Astros regularly, but of course I meant George. Astrocolt45 has be flummoxed.


  8. 1. I won’t be excited until February. Losing Verlander and Springer dampens my enthusiasm. Clearly those aren’t guys you can just replace.
    2. They need to develop a reliable closer. Acquiring one is too expensive.
    3. C-. Despite the injuries, there was really no excuse for a team that talented to lose more games than it won.
    4. I think a return to a normal schedule will see offense rise.
    5. Much less closely. I cancelled my streaming subscription.
    6. NYY, San Diego, Boston, Philly, LAD
    7. I think the QO is the realistic option. He’s not signing an extension. You aren’t going to get full value and replacing with MLB players in a trade likely means little salary relief or even increasing payroll. A trade deadline deal means we blew our chances in 2021.
    8. No, but there might be no one you could move for maximum returns right now. I wouldn’t trade any of the young, inexpensive players.
    9. Javier

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  9. Question #2. What is the biggest need for 2021?
    To acquire 2 competent outfielders who don’t strike out a lot and can play league average defense.

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  10. Question #3. What grade for Baker for 2020.
    I give him a B. it would have been a C for the regular season, mainly because of his inability to get the Astros going offensively.
    Considering he got the team to Game 7 of the ALCS without Osuna and Verlander, I upped it to a B.

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  11. 7. Carlos might be a real bargain in 2020. He’ll be playing for that big contract. Unless someone gives Click a deal that can’t be passed on, Carlos will be with us all year. We will be in the hunt.
    8. The guys making 500K or 600K that have shown great promise are virtually untouchable, but I’ll leave that up to Click. He deserves the chance to build the club in his own vision. He better get it right though!
    9. Javier really impressed me. Parades was a pleasure to watch. But I’ve got to admit that I had no expectations of Raley. So he gets the nod.
    10. When I come in sometime early this Spring for a couple of pokes of vaccine, I’ll be in both parks at some point. If the schedule allows, I’d like to see an AAA game and an Astro game on the same day. A day-night double header!

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  12. Astrocolt45, I broke up my post into a few sections in order to make it easier for you to digest. I’ve already got heartburn and would not wish it on you, as I remain a humanitarian.

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  13. I skipped to Question #6 because it is a fascinating question that deserves a complete answer.
    1. White Sox, because I picked them for him and I think he will make them better. They already will be tough to handle.
    2. Red Sox. I don’t want him with Cora because I think the Red Sox perfected cheating in 2018 and Cora doesn’t deserve Springer. Or maybe they do deserve each other.
    3. Yankees. I can’t stand the Yankees.
    4. Baltimore. I wouldn’t wish anyone to have to live in Baltimore.
    5. Angels. I don’t want him playing with Trout and facing them 19 times per season.
    Who would I like him to go to? The Mets.

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  14. Dan P’s answers to the questions….
    1. Are you excited to see the 2021 version of the team, or do you picture having a 2020 hangover?
    I want a return to normalcy in the world. If it is going to be another odd-wad shortened season I am not sure I will be very excited.

    2. What is the biggest need for the team in 2021?
    I think they need the young pitchers – Framber, Javier, Urquidy, Taylor, Paredes, Scrubb to continue the success they showed in 2020

    3. What grade would you give Manager Dusty Baker for 2020? For extra credit, you could write an essay analyzing his performance in depth.
    I would give him a B+. I was not excited about the team in the regular season, but it was such a weird regular season and they suffered so many injuries and losses – it was something just to keep them around .500. He did a masterful job in the playoffs to get them as far as they went.

    4. 2020 was a down offensive year across baseball and especially for the Astros. Do you think that was a one-off and they will bounce back big time in 2021?
    I think the team will be ready to roll. I don’t know if Gurriel will ever be Yuli again, but Alvarez, Correa, Altuve, Tucker and Bregman should be able to stir the pot.

    5. Did you follow the 2020 Astros less closely than previous versions? Are you ready to come back?
    My position here as scribe meant I had to pay attention, but I think my viewership was down about 20%. I am not sure if I am ready to be all the way back.

    6. If you could make a no-sign list for George Springer (5 teams that you don’t want him to sign with), which teams would you put on the banned list?
    Yankees, Red Sox and Dodgers because I hate them a lot. Rangers and A’s because I hate them quite a bit.

    7. Would you rather the Astros trade Carlos Correa before the season, at the trade deadline, at the trade deadline only if they are out of the race, or hold him to the end of the season and put a qualifying offer on him?
    Ride that pony as far as he’ll go and give him a QO in the offseason.

    8. Are there any untouchables on the Astros (major league or minor league players)?
    Alvarez, Tucker, Bregman, maybe Framber and Javier – I’ll let my minor league experts pick the prospects

    9. Of all the rookies that debuted for the Astros in 2020, which one surprised you the most?
    I think Scrubb because I didn’t know a darned thing about him.

    10. For local fans…..With the Astros moving their AAA team to Sugar Land, will you go check them out this year (provided anyone can attend)?
    I would like to – if there wasn’t a parking garage across the street I could see the park in the distance.

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    • The prospect untouchables I think have evolved to Hunter Brown, and maybe a guy like Abreu who Strom still thinks could become a Starter. He was added to 40-man when just in A-ball, so Astros definitely wanted to keep from him getting swiped.

      Other than those, maybe Zach Daniels is someone they had no idea would be that good. Korey Lee is starting to be the kid they dreamed of.

      That’s about all I can think of, other than my two (sort of under-radar faves), Conine and Torres. Those two are going to be really good. I wouldn’t trade Luis Garcia either!

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    • About Correa, if the team is out of contention by the deadline then, yes, trade him. I feel that keeping him and extending a qualifying offer would only give the team a draft choice probably similar to where they are receiving one from Springer leaving. Whereas, with a trade, the team could get multiple choices of draft choices or players in return.

      I also like what our trusted scribe wrote in his answers to himself.

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  15. Question 7 gives 4 scenarios for the handling of the Correa solution. If you are like Dave and me, you have been waiting for 2021 to get here and for the Astros to get it going and win BIG.
    The only way the Astros win big in 2021 (because of being strapped with the two whopper salaries of Verlander and Greinke) is with Correa having a great year at SS and being a big part of the team.
    In 2022 the Astros will have tens of millions of dollars to spend and will have a better handle on where they stand with guys like Jeremy Pena, Korey Lee, Colin Barber, Zack Daniels and all the pitchers they are protecting.
    Correa gives us a good chance to win in 2021. I say keep him until he walks.

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  16. 9. I assume you mean current untouchables. Tucker, Bregman, Altuve, Alvarez and Whitley are untouchable, to me.
    Mind you, that is using the extent of my information, which is not anything like the info the club has on it’s current player’s situations.

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  17. 9. The rookie pitcher who surprised me the most was Enoli Paredes. Paredes pitched in more than one third of our regular season games(22). He pitched in 7 of the 12 playoff games.
    He surprised me because he was good enough to be put into late-inning close games and I did not expect that from him at all. Even looking back on it, he is still a big surprise how well he pitched.

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  18. On a complete crazy note, we just watched “Bombshell” talking about Gretchen Carlson, which lead to me remembering her husband, Casey Close and the Brady Aiken debacle. Which lead me to look up those those top three picks. Astros – Aiken (out of baseball?). Miami – Tyler Kolek (still around Class A ball). White Sox – Carlos Rodon (a non-tender with a lifetime WAR of 6.5).

    Liked by 2 people

    • Funny how some in my circle suggested a reunion with both Tucker, but also Domingo Santana. And yet the KBO and Japan Leagues are somewhere between AA and AAA type of talent.

      Just goes to show how we romanticize some that have left us….

      I wasn’t really following Astros after that atrocious 2009 team, til 2014. Some still talk about Matty Dominguez like a folk hero.

      Truth be told, I would like Hader back, please. Early Christmas, I’ve been good this year, I promise Santa!

      Tbh, I liked Cy Sneed. He seemed like an awesome dude. His wife is a trooper too, to traipse around the globe as it were, the way they do.

      Makes me think of Becky, which makes me thing of AC45, makes me think of Diane and Billy and Sandy. Hope all are well. Sarge I don’t worry about — he’s invincible. Dan? He and I agree about everything literally. I can’t compliment him. Dave gets me flummoxed.

      Nah, that’s dookie, he’s great too. He doesn’t tell me I’m too long-winded anymore. I just infer it by his brief comments, and by setting up a secret trojan that erases half his comments.

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  19. 1. Excited because we will win the 2021 WS, despite the “experts” picking the Dodgers over the Yankees.
    2. Our biggest need is for our hitters to swing at strikes, not try to pull everything, walk more and strike out less. Yes, talking to you Altuve!
    3. Will give Dusty an A for reaching the ALCS despite all of the injuries.
    4. If Yordan, Bregman, Altuve & Correa are healthy, our offense will bounce back.
    5. Followed just as closely than previously.
    6. No-sign list for Springer: LAD & NYY. They won’t sign him anyway.
    7. We can’t trade Correa because he will be the 2021 WS MVP, so we will hold him to the end and give him a QO.
    8. Alvarez, Bregman & Tucker are untouchables. So are Altuve and Whitley, because no one will be willing to give us their true worth.
    9. Garcia. He came out of nowhere. I don’t remember even seeing him in Summer Camp.
    10. Not local but would love see a game in person someday.

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    • #7 just blew away all my arguments.

      Because Correa has every incentive to put that kind of season together … even if, and especially if he walks. Good prediction. I might have to talk myself into this belief.

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  20. Keep my wife’s family in your prayers tomorrow as they bury my father-in-law Ed Major a month after he passed away with most folks staying away from the service due to COVID fears. It will be a beautiful service, my choir director is singing some lovely songs and I just love her voice. I get to do the eulogy and then his Cremains will be interred at the Houston National Cemetery.
    It will be a hard day, but it will bring some closure I think.

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    • You speak from the heart, and those who hear the sensibilities that you noticed over the years, even here on the blog will be enrched, Dan. I wish I could hear what comes to your mind.

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      • Thanks GoStros
        Not sure it’s safe to let people see what comes to my mind…
        Writing at times is such a spiritual experience – I’ve been thinking about what to say for days – but just started typing it up today and it’s like I feel Gods spirit in me steering my words.

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    • I would say that is a good first draft projection. Lots of room for some disagreements and lots of room for the club to improve itself as the offseason progresses.

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  21. Something tells me there will be plenty of days where all we hear about is this team is interested in this guy and this guy is interested in this or that team. Somebody signs a minor league deal and somebody goes to play overseas.
    Think about it. The Mets have been bought by the richest owner in baseball and they need a catcher. With the best catcher in baseball available, they instead are in deep conversation for a multi-year deal with the former White Sox backup catcher.
    Hot Stove, baby.

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  22. Two interesting players who have come free of their contracts in the last few days are Oscar Colas, pitcher/ outfielder, a young high valued Cuban prospect who has been playing in Japan and Curt Casali, a catcher non-tendered by the Brewers, who hits LH pitching like an All-Star catcher and righties like a normally poor hitting catcher.

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    • Jeremy Pena is leading the Winter Leagues batting average with Rangers’, Guzman!

      Bryan De la Cruz is slashing .571/.538 /1.110
      not enough AB’s to qualify.

      Hopefully, Astros have a pulse on Leon and Colas during Winter League, with the facility being in the D. R. The draft begins Jan 15.

      I’ve just never been bowled over by Realmuto, mainly because of the price. I don’t know a thing about how he calls a game, reputation with pittchers or his defense though. Plus his lack of experience with our division.

      Maldy seems perfect for the young group we have, and I’m good with Stubbs platoon in 2021-2022. My d’ruthers would be James McCann on a 2-year deal. Korey Lee is looking the part for 2023.

      Casali admittedly is intriguing. My question is why wasn’t Casali re-signed when he’s only gonna cost $2m?

      Goodwin and Renfroe (Astro killers), I’d take flyers there.

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  23. Realmuto has been a very sturdy catcher, with very consistent stats, but he’ll be 30 and have a brand new 5 year contract from someone. I’ll be surprised if we are that club.

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    • The only reason why I keep reminding people about Realmuto is that he is good behind the plate and good at the plate.
      Korey Lee was a step out of the norm draft pick by Luhnow and could be our Will Smith(Dodgers young catcher). But we as fans don’t know what Korey Lee brings to the table or when. The only thing we know is that we have Maldonado for one more year and need another backup catcher for 2021.

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  24. #5 – I’m a lifetime Astros fan – both for my lifetime and for the Astros lifetime. My fervor for pro sports has gradually waned over the years: the Astros are the only team to which I retain a meaningful attachment. Sure, I’d rather the Rockets and Texans win, rather than lose, but I don’t get caught up in what’s going on with them, which may be a blessing since both franchises seem to be pretty much a train wreck nowadays – certainly not an unusual occurrence on the Houston sports scene.

    But even with the Astros…I barely followed them at all in 2020. I hope 2021 will recharge my batteries, but I’m not optimistic. Undoubtedly, both of the “Its” are a huge factor in that. In fact, I’m afraid the profile of all pro sports is in the midst of a major transition to something less recognizable and less satisfying than we have been fortunate to experience until recently. Of course, I could be wrong: after The Plague subsides perhaps fans will return to the games like never before. But there are other undercurrents that threaten the sports. As others have mentioned, those leagues that succumb to political messages and political correctness will lose favor. The weakening of network TV as a source of revenue I think will continue. Football, especially, has social concerns related to health and injuries.

    And another season of “faux” sports creates the risk that fans will find other ways to fill their time and stoke their passions in ways that crowd out sports in the future. Let’s face it, sports without fans is an inferior product: the edge is lost, the urgency restricted. I watched Michigan State beat Duke in Cameron the other day. I’d give you 100 to 1 odds that Duke would have won that game with a gym full of Crazies.

    But, with age the passions moderate. Maybe I need to settle for “get off my lawn!”

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  25. An interesting article from the other day projects Cionel Perez to be on the opening day roster since he does not have any options left. Did not realize that was true, but confirmed by Roster Resource.

    The author also proposes trading Captain Correa to the Reds for Nick Senzel. I would pass on that; too high of a K rate for me (in addition to my answer of #7 above).


    • This is the best synopsis of the Astros 2021 situation I have read. this guy did his homework and delivered a clear picture of what Click faces.
      The Senzel trade is interesting.


      • I’m looking for Correa to have a big year at a cheap price. I’d need more than Senzel to get my attention. I know it sounds simple, but Brantley for two years, Jake for one and hope Leon comes along.


      • I don’t like the Senzel trade either, Dave. I just thought it was interesting he proposed it because of what Senzel was supposed to be for so long and what he has turned out to be.

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  26. By the way, do we have indisputable legal rights to Leon or can he still be grabbed by another organization? I’m not fully clear on this, and 45′ will likely note that I’m not clear on much. To be candid, it’s true.


    • daveb – my understanding is that it has been assumed we would sign Leon because we have accumulated by far the most international signing bonuses of any organization, but no he could decide to take less and go elsewhere or I guess we could decide to do something else.


      • These are the bonus pools, Dan.
        I don’t believe there is anything concrete re Astros, and Leon. We are allowed to trade for more pool money, though.

        $6,431,000 Pool: Brewers Reds Marlins Rays Tigers Twins

        $5,899,600 Pool: Cardinals D-backs Indians O’s Pads Pirates Rockies Royals

        $5,348,100 Pool: Astros Athletics Blue Jays Cubs Dodgers Giants
        Mariners Mets Nationals Rangers Red Sox White Sox

        $4,732,700 Pool: Angels Phillies

        $4,232,700 Pool: Yankees

        $1,572,000 Pool: Braves


  27. They are *not* allowed to trade allotment this year, after all, in fact according to Ben Badler, Baseball America. My mistake.


      • No, sir, not sure maybe something you’ve read? We’ve always had $5.3m, because I figured it would not be enough to sign Leon at $4m reported, as well as Colas last Winter. That wouldn’t be our M.O. either, of just drafting two IFA’s.

        I would think we could always offer less to Leon, as everyone’s offer has been depressed in covid. Our front office may have in mind that he’s only worth “X” dollars anyway, so if we’re outbid — that’s life. Hard to know much more than the limited video we’ve seen on him.

        Sure seems like teams aren’t spending much at all yet, and like most things in the world, have been pushed back until the election is sorted out in terms of planning.


  28. I was kind of counting my chickens. To many headlines going back to the beginning of the year stating the Astros were expected to sign the guy. I could see a few of those teams paying more just to keep him away from us.


    • The attraction of Houston for outfielders Leon and Colas are that we need two or three outfielders NOW. That means they might be able to make MLB money sooner rather than later and play MLB ball sooner rather than later.


  29. For those wondering – I intend to write something later today – maybe this evening – have been in funeral recovery mode since Friday.


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