Verlander and Cole: When a tie Is not like kissing your sister

A tie is not likely to occur in the AL Cy Young race. The rules are as follows:

The pitchers are voted on by the Baseball Writers’ Association of America.  They vote for each pitcher from 1st place to 10th place.  If you receive a first-place vote, you will receive 14 points, second receives 9 points, third receives 8, and keeps going down until 10th place, which receives one point.

A tie between the Astros’ Gerrit Cole and Justin Verlander would be a surprise based on those rules, but these two men will likely be #1 and #2 in this contest and will not begrudge the other if they win it.

The last time teammates were 1 and 2 in the Cy Young was in 2002 when the defending Champion Arizona Diamondbacks had the winner in Randy Johnson and the runner-up in Curt Schilling. They, unfortunately, were swept 3-0 by the St. Louis Cards in the NLDS that season, so the Astros hope not to completely copy that pair this time around.

The sentimental favorite between the two has to be the grizzled, tough as nails Verlander (36), but Cole (29), the not quite as grizzled, tough as nails sidekick has been his match almost pitch for pitch in 2019.

Heading into their likely last two starts of the season, Verlander barely leads in many of the traditional stats (19-18 wins, 2.50 – 2.61 ERA, 212 – 200.1 IPs) and one modern one with an insane 0.788 to 0.908 WHIP. Oh, and he added a cherry to a sundae of a season with his 3rd career no-hitter a couple weeks ago. He has to be the slight favorite at this point.

Cole could catch him in wins and ERA before the end of the season and already has popped the “sexy” 300 K barrier in 200 innings. Oh and he pops it in there at 99 and 100 mph in the last inning of many of his starts. And it should be noted that his 13.57 K’s per 9 IP, if he can sustain it, will be the highest EVER for a starting pitcher in MLB history. Both pitchers have excellent K/ BB ratios – Verlander’s 7.08 is first in the AL for qualifying starters, while Cole is second at 6.57.

Where do Houston fans stand on this contest? They may lean towards JV, who was the white knight who swept in and saved their 2017 World Series season and who is signed for two additional years past this one. They probably will be fine if GC, who will be a free agent after this season pulls wins this award, but their hearts are probably a little bit more with Verlander.

So how do you feel about this friendly competition? Who would you like to see win it and how would you feel about a nice sister kiss of a tie between the two?

47 responses to “Verlander and Cole: When a tie Is not like kissing your sister”

  1. I go with JV, but not because he was the 2017 hero. I go with him because he is 36 years old and that is a sweet way to celebrate a career accomplishment that few in history have done. Also, it might be his last chance, whereas you could see Cole having several more shots at it.
    The other reason I go with him is that would make him the reigning CY winner in 2020 with the Astros, whereas Gerrit might be the reigning CY winner pitching for another team in 2020.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I’m just so darn impressed at the level each guy has pitched at. There are so many stats out there and a strong case can be made for both guys. A tie would be remarkably unlikely but really cool and that’s my choice. I’m sure both guys would embrace that outcome. The odds are certainly in Verlander’s favor however.

    Not to change the subject, but another big start for Miley tonight. I’ll feel much better our rotation if he gets back to doing what he did all year, especially since it’s becoming more clear that Greinke does not have his best game every time out.


  3. Cole is still pretty young and I would assume he will get a Cy Young before he hangs up his glove. Justin Verlander has it all! He’s showing everybody who watches him pitch he will be a FIRST ballot HOF. As much as we have been able to watch history with these two guys…..I gotta give it to Verlander.
    I hate it when you make me choose which child I love the best!
    Saying a prayer for Miley tonight!


  4. I have to give it to JV as well. I love Cole and hope he decides to hang around however I know Verlander has loyalty to this team.
    Second that prayer got Miley. It’s time to own this division.


  5. I no longer have any expectations of Wade Miley. I don’t know what role he can play for us in the post season. We can’t spot teams 3 or 5 runs in the first inning come October. He helped us get to where we are, but he’s done.

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  6. Where do you start with Miley? I’m not trying to be a smart a$$, I’m just asking where dose Hinch go from here? Do you try and stretch Peacock out?
    Do you just go with this kid who is pitching now? My head hurts. *JEEZE*

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Did they throw the fan out who interfered with Tucker’s ball? If not he should be. That cost us a potential big inning. Agree that Miley is toast and Urquidy is the new #4. Oh well, maybe not.


    • Too many dumb fans. I think the rule is that you interfere with any ball in play, you go home. That customer reached down at least a couple of feet. Someone must have given him the tickets.


  8. Springer 0 hits
    Altuve 0 hits
    Bregman 0 hits
    You don’t win too many games when you don’t hit the ball.
    I guess Verlander will have to win this series and clinch the West by himself.
    If Miley is hurt why isn’t he telling someone…if he’s not hurt what’s the problem? You just don’t wake up one day and forget how to pitch.


  9. According to Box scores JA has 1 hit, YA, YG, CC have 1 ea. Tuck has 2. Everyone else left their hits in the dugout thus far. We’ll never know the extent of that lost innings with fan interference but leaving 11 LOB ain’t helping. Hopefully JV can rescue them again. Or Cole. We have a solid 1-2 SP tandem & a sometime hittable #3. Mileys star has greatly diminished or extinguished. Maybe they discover a hidden P gem already on board before the playoffs. Will these P woes put pressure on the off and how will they respond?


    • Urquidy is not that bad. Needs some improvement but seems to be developing. 3IP – 1 run, 4 hits, o walks, 1 K.. Not bad.
      What’s obvious is when these guys have trouble throwing strikes like Rondon did, the opposing batter just waits for the fast ball down the middle and whamo! Pretty pathetic offensive show too as you mentioned.


  10. Too bad. It was a winnable game even after Miley did his thing. Urquidy and Abreu kept us in it. Yeah, I sure hate it when a fan helps extinguish a rally. And giving away that out on the bases with Bregman and potentially Alvarez coming up with the tying runs on was not good either. But we still control our own destiny. We write this one off. And we start thinking about who replaces Miley in the post season.


  11. Miley is going to get another start, we can only hope the guy can “try” to turn it around. In the mean time Hinch and Luhnow have some decisions to make.
    We went to a watch party this evening and left after the Angels had scored 4 runs. I was in no mood to watch a poorly played and poorly pitched game. I guarantee you, they won’t have their heads in the clouds tomorrow, Verlander simply will not allow it. Let’s hope they can do it tomorrow in front of the fans tomorrow….it really is exciting to be at Minute Maid when it happens.


  12. I bet there is hoopin and hollerin all over baseball about that dumbass baseball team. Good Lord, the sucking sounds that came from that stupid dugout tonight. I wish I had a better hobby than this.
    Apparently that entire team broke into the bubbly before they turned in the lineups. A bunch of drunks is how they played.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Well the Dodgers lost again last night, so that’s something.
    Miley says he’s not tipping his pitches, but hitters are recognizing what’s coming out of his hand.
    Hopefully no days off today.


  14. Springer is back……2 run homerun!!!
    What worries me about Miley is he said he’s been through this before…REALLY!
    Fine time to do it! Crossing my fingers for a big celebration this afternoon!

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Man, if GS ever masters the art of quieter hitting I can’t imagine the numbers he would post seasonally. He ain’t doin bad at all now blowing up balls evidently. If not for inj this season he most certainly surpasses 50 HR’s, in the leadoff spot, amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Another missed opportunity. Men at 2nd and 3rd with one out. Zero to show for it – against a guy sporting an ERA over 7.00.

    If nobody hits a home run, we seem to have forgotten how to score.


    • And with the way the Angels’ makeshift line-up is making JV sweat bullets and waste pitches, we might actually need to take our runs any way we can get them to avoid losing this series to a vastly inferior team and blowing the chance to clinch the Division before our home fans.


  17. I give the Angels some credit. They played the Yankees tough. They are hustling. They are playing us tough. They are making Verlander throw pitches. Albert played all three games of the Yankee series and is playing all three against us. He does not take the field often on a Sunday afternoon after playing Saturday night.

    We’ve (George) scored four runs in 4 innings. I think we’ll get more. Somewhere I read that our guys have posted MLB’s best offensive stats since the 27 Yankees. Offensively, I like our chances. Back to George for a second. He’s the heart and soul of this club. Not for hitting 3 homers in four innings. Rather for running all the way over to his buddy in left to give him skin for making a nice catch. The guy has to be the most joyful baseball player in the game.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. You have a 10-2 lead….who do you go to in the bullpen??? I don’t trust any of them. Daveb..You are 100% right! Springer is THE heart and soul of this team.
    Crane had better get his wallet out and tie him up to go with Bregman and Altuve. Peacock in…….holding my breath😨!


    ASTROS 13 ANGELS 2!!!! Verlander just seal the deal with *20* wins!!


  20. Winning the division is a bit ho-hum at this point. Based on the number of comments post game, we all have pretty high expectations. The players had their obligatory clubhouse spray (sponsored by Budweiser) and then got on their way to the airport. Plenty of unfinished business to take care of in the coming week. I was pleased to see the bats help Verlander win his 20th today. He struggled a bit. Getting him out after 5 was a plus too.


    • Still reeling from the game Saturday.
      Hoping that somehow the ability to hit with runners in scoring position will dawn on the Astros. The Yankees, Twins and Dodgers all hit much higher w/RISP than they do normally, while the Astros BA w/RISP is lower than their normal %.


  21. Wow! What a year we’ve experienced.
    A division title, 2 no hitters, At least one 20 game winner, a most likely rookie of the year, 2 Cy Young candidates, a small chance at MVP. It’s overwhelming!
    Dare we dream of more?


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