No news, good news for Astros at trade deadline?

So much for all the trade talk hoopla. Well, at least for the Astros. Maybe no news is good news though.

No Jonathan Lucroy. No Carlos Beltran. No Jay Bruce. No upgrade to the rotation. And, nope, no bullpen help.

Instead, it’s one of the quietest trade deadlines in recent memory as Scott Feldman was sent packing across tonight’s field to the Blue Jays.

The Astros’ big additions for the stretch drive will come from within.

Alex Bregman, Joe Musgrove, Yulieski Gurriel, Preston Tucker and Tyler White will be the names A.J. Hinch must count on. Carlos Gomez and Colby Rasmus will need to add their stretch run, contract-year kick too if the Astros plan to catch the new Texas Rangers and make the playoffs.

With the recent trades — some of which actually haven’t worked out for either team — it’s no surprise that Jeff Luhnow may have been a tad skiddish to pull the trigger. Seems he gets fleeced in trades, at least on paper. That said, some players traded by the Astros haven’t flourished either, so Luhnow may end up looking good on a few down the road.

Still, reading the tea leaves, it’s fair to conclude the Astros are keeping their powder dry, waiting instead for this winter and the 2017 deadline. On paper, this team isn’t that shabby. But with so many under-performing players, it’s easy to second guess management, from the field guys to the front office guys.

Is there something in the water? Is it the humidity? Are there more full moons in Houston than other parts of the league?

To be sure, the contract guys — Gomez and Rasmus — need to go on a tear! Someone must step up at first base so Marwin Gonzalez can slide back into his more traditional role. If Jon Lester can squeeze bunt, should Houston give Dallas Keuchel a shot at first base?

Vincent Velasquez would look good in an Astros’ uniform about now, no?

Hitters can get hot for a second half or last third of the season. It’s a little different for pitchers, which is one reason Houston should have sought a strong rotation guy. Was the price to high? Perhaps, but Dallas Keuchel and the rotation is pretty much what ya got for ’16. In other words, don’t expect much different from him, Mike Fiers, Collin McHugh and Doug Fister.

Mark the date though. August 1. Texas is 18 games over .500 and added serious personnel at the deadline. Houston is 6 games behind the Rangers, just six games over .500 and just 2 1/2 games back in the Wild Card chase. While sleeping through the deadline.

Quick deadline questions:

  • Houston is 55-49, 104 games into the season, with 58 games remaining. Astros would need to finish 35-23 to win 90. Do they? If not, how many wins do you predict?
  • Who’s your pick for surprise contributor (on the good side) for August/September?
  • Was Luhnow asleep at the wheel during the trade deadline process?
  • Speaking of Luhnow, has he done a poor enough job that Jim Crane would consider making a change this winter?

298 responses to “No news, good news for Astros at trade deadline?”

  1. Note to our patrons…. unfortunately Club Astros will not be open again tonight. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to open again real soon!!!


  2. Well, the Dodgers are in the middle of a race. They just picked up Reddick, they demoted Puig, and they desperately need a starter as it looks like Norris is now going on the DL too. They will get pitching somewhere, and they have a chance to fix a problem and at the same time get rid of a one.


  3. Mr. Bill made a very astute observation on the prior page regarding wild pitches allowed by the Astros. Last night the Blue Jays scored 2 runs because of wild pitches (one got the runner from 2nd to 3rd and he scored on a single with the IF in that glanced off Altuve’s glove. This would have been an out with the IF back). I looked at the numbers and in 72 starts Castro has allowed 31 WPs. However, the big culprit is Evan Gattis who, in 26 starts has allowed 23 WPs. Doing the math that would be around 60 in the same number of starts as Castro. Gattis really needs to work in the offseason/spring training on smothering balls in the dirt and not allowing them to bounce too far away. I’m not ready to give the every day catching job to Gattis for 2017. I think he is costing us more runs that he is providing, despite his very acceptable offensive numbers when he is catching (has anyone noticed the wide disparity in Gattis’ offensive production when he is catching compared to being the DH?)


  4. By the way, Chris is currently hitting .218./.305/.792 for the Brewers with 25 HRs and 61 RBIs – to go with 137 Ks and 14 GIDPs in 104 games. He’s had a little more feast for them than he had for us, but he’ll always have more famine.


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