Free Blog Weekend: Questions on Tucker, Carter, Correa, McCullers Jr.

Some basic questions as the Astros enter yet another weekend as the best team in the American League and the second-best in all of baseball.

Is Preston Tucker on a showcase?

The Astros brought up impressive outfielder Preston Tucker when George Springer went down with a concussion. Now that he’s nearing 100 at bats — generally the first mile marker in the life of a major league hitter — he clearly has the goods and other teams have taken notice. If the Astros want to add starting pitching, at least a top of the rotation starter, opposing GMs will have Tucker at the top of their wish lists. Luhnow has apparently not designated Tucker as untouchable, but it would be difficult to part with some a promising hitter.

Lance McCullers Jr. The real deal?

Hard to cast a vote again this guy after his gem earlier this week. Sorry Brad Peacock. Better hurry back Scott Feldman. Where y’at Dan Straily and Asher Wojciechowski? The only question regarding McCullers going forward might be when to shut him down for his innings pitched count. He’s pitched 53 already between Corpus Christi and Houston and has never pitched more than 104 in his pro career. Heck, he has only 292 minor league IP altogether! Do the Astros stretch him out as far as he can go? Or do they upgrade the rotation and send him to the bullpen for the second half of the season?

The Correa Watch.

Carlos Correa hasn’t exactly taken Fresno by storm…yet. However, the numbers are still positive and he could be only a series or two from breakthrough. Fewer Ks than hits, a .324 OBP, and nine extra base hits out of 23 total all spell a promising future as he has moved ahead of the progression curve. The end of June still looks like the best target for his coronation in Houston, but could come sooner if the break out is earlier.

The Chris Carter Watch.

Has Chris Carter turned a corner? In the last 12 games, his line is .375/.458/.675 with a 1.133 OPS, three home runs and nine RBI. It’s only 48 plate appearances, but that’ll do in a pinch, don’t you think? Of course, the big question is, how long will it last? Is he heating up earlier this year than last, or is it just a short-lived streak?

70 responses to “Free Blog Weekend: Questions on Tucker, Carter, Correa, McCullers Jr.”

  1. You must have read the same “want” list of the Phillies, in place of Hammels.
    Hammels ain’t gonna come here, but for grins we’ll play along.
    Phillies would want:
    Phillips ect…

    Nolan Ryan is lobbying to try and get Hammels, but me thinks IF Philliy
    trades ANYONE to Houston, it would be Harang……
    McCullars is the REAL deal, and Brent Strom is salivating just to work his magic with him!
    Correa will be here by the 27th. of the month……..
    Tucker might be a showcase piece, and it would be sad to see him go.
    Kris Karter= the enigma


      • The Phillies have given the Astros a “shopping list” of prospects they want back. Safe to say it’s a LOT. Hammels ain’t worth it…………


      • Our organization is very good team-wise, but even it only has a few ‘stars’ at each position that we can say with any confidence have a legitimate shot at being high-level major leaguers. We can’t sell out/trade any of top performers at some positions and still have a very good system. Right hand pitching and 1B may be the two areas we are ‘stacked’ several players deep – hence Appel and Singleton are on the ‘possible trade’ list – as well as McHugh, Carter, Gattis, Qualls, and Feldman. I would also part with Colin Moran at 3B if we keep Lowrie, Duffy, Sclafani [short term] and J.D. Davis [long term].


    • As I have said before, the projected core of the 2017 championship team [may it be!] should not be for sale or trade. Preston Tucker is a part of that – most likely the DH and an extra outfielder. For the same reason [different positions], Altuve, Keuchel, Correa, McCullers, Velasquez, Devenski, Kemp, A.J. Reed, J.D. Davis, Tyler Heineman, Jay Nottingham, Brett Phillips, and one of the left-handed pitching tandem of Tommy Shirley/Josh Hader should be off the table. That leaves some pretty doggone good chips on the table. But that said, I see neither the need – or the advisability – of a ‘blockbuster’ trade – for a TOR or anyone else. We are basically set, from inside the system, for 2016, 2017 and beyond. And for Heaven’s sake, we are in 1st place with a 5.5 game lead in early June 2015!


      • In case you did not notice, Carter, Gattis, Rasmus, Valbuena, Castro, Conger, Singleton, McHugh, Feldman, Obie, Wojo, Appel, Qualls, Thatcher, Gonzales, Villar, Grossman, Sclafani, Duffy, Hoes, Presley, Rodgers, Jankowski, Feliz, etc. are all presently considered potential trade bait – at least by the time of the off season. George Springer has not been mentioned, and my inclination is not to even consider trading him, but if someone out there wanted to make a Godfather offer, the idea might at least be worthy of consideration.


      • Heck, I would not want to lose Correa or McCullers and I’d really suffer if Velasquez became part of any deal for a 1 or 2 rotation guy. He might be less than a year away from being a number two. Can the guy stay healthy though? And I am becoming attached to Tucker. So he’d be a tough loss right now. But Mr. Bill, I would certainly not consider Springer in any deal though. He’s our best outfielder, both defensively and at the plate. At the end of the season, he’ll have shown the numbers. And I still for one, even if I’m the only one, think of him as our centerfielder of the future. But as far as most anyone else goes from the minor league system, if we’ve got a chance to make it into the post season in 2015 with an excellent rotation and one of the best pens in the game, I’m ready to give it a shot. I’ve waited long enough for baseball in October. And I’m not inclined to wait until 2017. If our minor league organization is really as good as everyone keeps telling us, we can afford the loss of real talent for that big rotation guy to get us over the hump now.


  2. Nice start to the weekend Chip.
    These are tough questions:
    Tucker – The guy looks like the real deal hitting Let me put it this way – I would only trade him if it was the difference between losing McCullers or Velasquez in a blockbuster trade.
    McCullers – I think you keep him in the rotation through June and then see where you are at – have you traded for someone or Feldman is back and solid. Then keep him in the pen and bring him back for the stretch. Tough decision.
    Correa – Bring him up soon as Super 2 is out of the way. Even struggling a little he will be a better choice.
    Carter – Ride him for a while but if he could be part of a critical trade – don’t blink.


  3. I am not sure trading Tucker could be seen as a good move. LF had been a problem with Rasmus and Grossman getting the time out there, he is a steadying bat that takes some walks – its like having the best of Rasmus and Grossman together as a hitter – one hits with some power and will have a decent babip, the other isn’t good for anything except not swinging and walking!

    McCullers worth is very high as long as Feldman is out and Fausto is Fausto. I am not convinced that he has the pin point command to be a consistent dominant performer, but he has some of the velocity and movement needed to make up for it and be dominant at times. If he ever puts that together with the command of a great pitcher, he will be special. Now given that history has said that about a LOT of guys showing up throwing 97, I would say if he is the bottom line difference between getting Hamels or not, I would probably do it, because I KNOW what Hamels is going to do. But they would have to stretch me to the ends of the earth with other offers first. I wouldn’t trade Velasquez AT ALL. Not happening.

    Correa – I’m done. I said in ST this guy could handle ML pitching now, and he should have been the starting SS. I could care less about super 2, but it’s not my money. I’m always concerned with the backfire affect though, and that is the player and his agent will always feel like you did what you did for the money, and will not be inclined to give an inch during negotiations when that time comes.

    Carter – Just starting his usual few weeks of carrying the offense. The Carter we all know will be back. I don’t have a problem with his streakiness TBH, but I do have a problem with the K% and I do have a problem with the streakiness being in the 5 spot of the batting order. Bat him 7th and I am fine with him disappearing for a few weeks at a time as long as he still draws some walks. I would trade him if an opportunity arose, but not for free.


  4. First, want to say thanks for this great blog. Long time reader, first time poster. I used to follow Chip’s blog religiously on the Chronicle website, then lost track for a few years after that ended until I found this place a few months ago, and have been reading daily. Definitely the best Astros commentary on the web.

    With Correa and Jed coming in the next month, and hopefully Springer and Carter continuing to get back to normal, I think we could probably survive without Tucker, although he’s a great addition to the lineup. For the right pitcher, I think he should be on the table.

    McCullers is electric. Is he the second coming of Roger Clemens? Maybe not, but unless he shows some real weaknesses this month, I would be very hesitant to ship him off for anyone.

    Next year, let’s all tell Carter the season starts in February, so that maybe he’ll be ready by opening day.


    • Token – welcome! Thanks for the kind words. We try to keep the writing at a solid level and I think we have some of the very best reader comments around. Very thoughtful.


  5. I just think the price for Hammels will be too high. We have to look at what the outfield will be next year going forward and I think Tucker should be part of the equation. I could see us parting with Appel and one or two more “good prospects” along with a veteran. But then again, I don’t do this for a living so what do I know. I’d just like us to get to the playoffs consistently over the next few years and hope for a WS title.

    Oh BTW, Glad to see Tal’s Hill going the way of the dinosaur. Sooner or later I was afraid we’d see a career ending injury out there.


    • As for me, Cole Hamels is not even a blip on my radar. Anyone who does not want to come to Houston just does not even step into consideration. If he does not want us, we do not need him.


      • Mr. Bill what if the only reason he put the Astros on that list was because they were so bad when he signed the contract? Would you give him a mulligan if he wanted to play for a contender and he, along with many others here did not picture them as that?


  6. What if . . . There has been a lot of time passing, and he has included seen fit to include the Cubs publicly as a possible trade destination, with the North side of Chicago taking the place of Boston on his list. There has no corresponding move to include Houston, and no public expression of interest or consideration in doing so. Considering that the idea of another suitor could only raise his value among the existing ones, that tells me he just plain is not interested in coming to Houston. If he was interested, he and his agent would publicly be soliciting an offer.


      • The point is, there was – and remains – a list of nine clubs to which he has publicly said he would accept a trade. The Cubs were originally not on that list. Then, he publicly dissed the Red Sox and now the Cubbies are on the list of 9. He did not do anything like that with regard to Houston. We are still off the 9. The Phils as an organization might jump at the chance to to trade him for Correa, Tucker, McCullers, Velasquez, Phillips, and 10 or so of our other top talents, but since we are not on the list of 9 teams, he makes that decision, not them.


  7. Rangers have an early lead. But they are playing KC, and KC always plays tough. As far as Fausto,he was questionable from the beginning. He pitched pretty well in April, but he appears worn out now in June. Fortunately, we have other options at 5th starter, though – including Wojo, Peacock, Devenski – and even Appel theoretically.


  8. My much bigger concern is the lack of hitting. Through six, Sanchez has faced the minimum. It doesn’t matter who pitches if we can’t get a runner past 2nd base.


  9. I have increased my untouchables to include Correa and Velasquez. It would really hurt to give up Tucker or Phillips, but if it was for a team-controlled TOR starter for a few yeas I could live with it. Otherwise, I have no other untouchables. This is not to say I would trade Feliz for Harang, but I would include Feliz in a trade for Hamels. The problem having so many untouchables is that they all won’t play on the Astros and either you have to trade them or expose them to the rule V draft. We aren’t going to pay $200M for Price or Cueto so if we can get a TOR starter and control him for a few years it gives you time to draft and develop other pitchers.

    My clear explanation for why Hamels snubbed the Red Sox and added the Cubs is simple. The Red Sox aren’t winning this year, the Cubs are and, as Devin pointed out, his wife is from Iowa. If we make Philly an acceptable offer and he doesn’t want to come here then you move on, but I don’t eliminate him simply because he put the Astros on his no-trade list when the Astros were the laughingstock in baseball. Oh, the Rangers are about to be 4.5 games behind us.


    • I forgot to add LMJ to my list, but since he is on the major league team I didn’t include him as an untouchable, but I don’t want to trade him either.


  10. Time to give old Fausto his outso. The guy gets all whacked out when he gives up a run or two…….then it goes south QUICK. Gotta give the Jay’s a hand, their pitcher was pretty dang good. Did ya’ll see that “switch thrower” with the A’s tonight?
    Now……THAT’s a CRAZY GUY!! You need to see him pitch!!


  11. Let’s start with…

    The Astros have the best record in the American League right now. They are not the best team in the American League. In less than 2 weeks they will not be leading their division. The best team in our division is the one with the most potential and record and right now that’s either the Rangers or the Angels. Hamels is not going to put this team over the top.

    It’s been a great 1/3 of a season for the Astros. It’s been really fun. But it’s the future we need to worry about and that means not trading one prospect for a TOR guy. Hamels is not going to put this team over the top. Wait for the off season and spend Crane’s money.

    Bring Correa up when we have an additional year. Just to make Becky really mad, I would keep Villar as my super sub and trade Margo. Villar is more useful. If Villar continues to make bonehead plays, then we have players in the minors that can handle the sub role. Plus Jed will be back.

    Rotation is six weeks will be Keuchel, McHugh, Oberhoitzer, McCullers, and either Feldman or Peacock.

    In summary, this lineup has too many holes. Hamels is not going to put this team over the top.


    • At last, someone who makes sense … the objective this year was to become competitive and the Astros have done just that. We did not go through five years of hell, accumulating prospects and picks, to throw it all away on a TOR we can’t use and don’t need. If Hamels was the be all to end all the Phillies wouldn’t be bringing up the rear in a lousy division. So let’s focus on the changes we can make internally that will make next year even better … if we can trade some kids we can’t protect and we’ll lose in the next Rule 5 draft anyway, I’m fine with those moves – but to include top prospects like Tucker and the rest being discussed in a trade for any TOR pitcher is plain nuts.

      PS … I’m an old follower but new contributor.


      • Oldpro……THANK YOU…….Villerror has never played first base, and very few times (if any) played 2nd. So no, he is *NOT* a super sub.


    • Hey Ron, not to nit pick, but…

      The Astros are the best team in the AL right now. Enjoy it..will it last? Dunno, but that’s why there is so much clamoring to finish building out this team this year rather than wait until 2017. Is it practical? Dunno, but you know Luhnow is having those same discussions internally. Which pitcher will put the team over the top? Can we trust Lowrie to be “Lowrie” when he comes back? Is he better at third base than Valbuena? Could we use Valbuena in a trade and depend on a left side of Correa/Lowrie?

      Now, I’ll nit pick even further on the McCullers comment. They didn’t bring up McCullers because there wasn’t a better option at AAA. They brought him up because he was ready…there is absolutely NO sense to start the clock on a AA pitcher and perhaps mess up his progress just because there isn’t a better option at AAA. He clearly was ready and the coaches, scouts and front office personnel knew it. And, that decision — to this point, at least — has been vindicated.

      Hamels may not “put this team over the top”. But another pitcher, perhaps someone like Kazmir might make sense, especially if he can be signed beyond 2015. Not suggesting Kazmir is THE guy, just that there are some other guys out there who make sense (if Hamels does not). You don’t need a back-of-the-rotation guy, there are plenty of options for that, but the team could use another Keuchel or McHugh.

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      • My feelings are wounded, no not really. I’ll give you best team right now, but I bet you a Coors light they won’t be the best team in two weeks, and no trade for a TOR costing us a ton of prospects will change that. The lineup has too many holes.

        Will Lowrie be Lowrie, I sure hope so, but those injuries are tough to come back from and it will be August before we know. Does Lowrie have Valbuena’s defense, I don’t know. But we could depend on a left side of Correa and Lowrie, with Becky’s favorite player as a backup. Does Sclafani play the outfield?

        I’m a traditional conservative type of guy. Your most ready major league players should be in AAA in my opinion. It should not be a reserve league with major league rejects on it. McCullers became our best AAA pitcher without throwing a start in AAA. I agree he was clearly our best option.

        If we can trade some prospects we can’t protect for a 1st or 2nd rotation guy, then I’m all for it, but trading Tucker, Appel, Velasquez, Phillips ,Reed or any pitching prospect makes my stomach hurt. Can’t someone take Grossman, Presley, Hoes, Dominguez off our hands?


    • IDK if they are the best team in the AL. KC fans might disagree, Detroit fans might.

      There is no team in the AL right now without its holes. No team has 5 solid starters, no team has a lights out BP, no team has a non tinker proof starting 8 and a bada$$ DH. The AL is very winnable. This year.

      On top of that Hamels isn’t a one year investment. He is signed for the next 3 with an option.

      All the Hamels talk maybe moot or wishful thinking. That’s what we do in bloglands. I have no idea if the Astros have had any conversations with Philly.

      Bottom line, we are not only in a winnable division, we are in a winnable league. I am not even sure there is a best team in our division. Adding Hamels would give us the best rotation though, and thats a good start to being the best team. The key is doing it without messing with the current roster (maybe minus Fausto) or giving up Correa or Velasquez.

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  12. I also think giving a ton of prospects for a pitcher is a waste, right now. I would like to see Velasquez and Feliz get some major league experience. Running out Dallas, the Doc, Kid Carson McCullers, Ober and the two previous young guns for the rest of the year could set us up for next year, with Appel and Feldman to provide more.
    I see a SF Giants-type rotation coming with our pitching prospects and I think we can hang in over .500 with the arms we have coming and the ones we have and still put Fausto out to pasture and save the $100mil for a couple of holes we might see in our lineup and use it there.
    So disappointed with Valbuena’s OBP, Castro’s and Springer’s BA. Kinda scary that Castro could turn out to be a $12mil a year .225 catcher.
    Love the bullpen, but still could use another flamethrower.


  13. Playing off Chip’s point – the Astros FO is likely going to trade (if they trade) for someone more like Kazmir than like Hamels. Good or bad – Luhnow has yet to make a trade that anyone foresaw. I don’t know if we ever heard Valbuena or Conger or Feldman or Rasmus or Gattis before we either traded for them or signed them. I’m guessing they have a few targets in mind and that they are not likely to be on the radar guys.


  14. – Acquiring Cole Hamels is likely not enough to put us into the postseason by itself. The offense does need a jolt…but I’m hoping they can hold on until Lowrie is back.

    – Cole Hamels for many prospects is an interesting dilemma. I think you are forgetting the biggest reason to do it – many remaining years of team control. The downside is that he should decline during that time. The upside is that he’d end up costing less for those years than David Price, Jordan Zimmerman, or Johnny Cueto.

    – The front office won’t trade as many of their blue chips for Hamels as seem to be thrown out there. They are far too stingy to do that.

    – Dominguez, Hoes, Presley, and Grossman aren’t going to bring any better return than Petit fetched.

    Also, the team can’t possibly sustain this level of winning with the current roster. That’s OK. I don’t know that the Rangers can sustain their hot streak as well. I’m as concerned about Seattle as bothTexas and Anaheim…and the Mariners are 9.5 games back. The Astros have 106 more games to play this year. It’s a long season.

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    • That’s the key, Devin, in trading for a controlled pitcher. I do not give up top prospects for a rental, but this team will be a contender next year and beyond. The point in accumulating all these prospects is so some, NOT ALL, can be traded for a proven veteran that can help us win a World Series. With the incoming bottleneck some players are going to have to be moved or we will lose them for nothing. If we can get a team controlled TOR then we should, at the very least, look into it. We know Crane isn’t going to spend $20M+ for a TOR via free agency so why not look via the trade route? Does anyone see a TOR in our farm system/team? Maybe LMJ or Velasquez, but the projection is, maybe, a #2 ceiling for both of them. Has there been a World Series winner that didn’t have a legit #1?


      • Out of all the trades Luhnow has made which one gives you the most confidence that he can pull TOR trade off? I can’t think of any! He knows talent but he is not a horse trader!


      • pencil, it’s hard to pull off any trade, much less one for a top of the rotation pitcher in mid-season…a LOT of trades are deemed unsuccessful and there are few like the Bagwell trade and the Randy Johnson trade…and every GM gets lucky every once in a while…


  15. Well folks………….it looks like a repeat of last nights game. Oberholtzer is getting hit HARD, and it only the 2nd. inning. Jay’s up 4-0 right now.


  16. Oh yeah……..forgot to mention Villerror threw high to Marwin, and pulled him off the bag……..error given to Marwin. GEEZE.


    • Becky, full disclosure: I did not see the play you’re referring to. However, I am an official scorer and have scored many games. If a throw pulls a fielder off the bag (as you point out), the official scorer would have given the error to Villar, no questions asked. It appears…from two different game stories…that Marwin was never on the bag to begin with and then tried to “find” it after the throw came in…

      That is due to his inexperience at first base…

      I know Villar has some bad games and bonehead plays, but let’s be fair about it…

      As I said, I didn’t see the play, so I could be wrong, but the official scorer would be way off by giving the error to Marwin if the throw pulled him off the bag.


      • I can’t see the games, but our local news showed that Marwin did INDEED fail to find the bag. We need to get Aaron Harang , or Dillon Gee ASAP!
        Note to Hinch….quit playing guys who don’t know the position!


  17. Hamels, Cueto, Harang, Kazmir…and now David Price and Alfredo Simon. The Detroit Tigers are spinning out of control and are now at .500 having lost 8 in a row. Looking more and more like the Phillies, a bad team with a lot of good aging players that could help a contender.


  18. One thing to notice about today’s game. Our lefty, Obie, gave up 3 stolen bases – two steals of 2nd. Note to lefty’s. If you do not hold the runner at first – who you are looking right at – it’s all on you. It is not your catcher’s fault.

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    • Somebody remind me again who has more HRs and RBIs so far this season? Dexter Fowler or Luis Valbuena? Remind me again who plays their position better defensively? Dexter Fowler or Luis Valbuena? Remind me again which player has missed more games due to injury? Dexter Fowler or Luis Valbuena? It’s not like Fowler is having a great year for the Cubs.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Player A – 51 G. 30 R, 36 H, 12 HR, 21 RBI, 15 BB, 46 K, 1 SB, .188/.255/.406 (.661 OPS)
        Player B – 53 G. 40 R, 51 H, 6 HR, 15 RBI, 25 BB, 54 K, 11 SB, .245/.328/.394 (.722 OPS)

        Given no other context I’d take player B in a heartbeat. What I found shocking was that Fowler actually struck out more than Valbuena to this point.

        ..,but given Rasmus + Valbuena – Matty D I think we come out ahead. Fowler is still a much better player than a lot of you will give credit. Cubs fans remain happy with the trade. Astros fans…probably 50/50.


      • I would agree with you, Devin, that Fowler is having a slightly better offensive year, but when you consider that Valbuena plays his position better defensively and does not have the ‘Jed Lowrie’ stigma attached to him, which is always injured, I would consider it about even. Also, we don’t know what we have yet in Straily and Valbuena is not a FA at the end of the year. All these factors might give a slight edge, so far, to the Astros, but admittedly, it is a very slight edge. I would like to see where each player is at the end of the season before we can have a more accurate evaluation of the trade.


    • Nance, among others, it was Colby Rasmus….No, he didn’t come over the trade literally, but it opened the door to sign him for $1+ less than Fowler would have made…


  19. A three-game losing streak and pitchers getting bombed and the Astros still have the best record in the American League? And, still have a 3 1/2 game lead on the AL West field? And, McHugh, McCullers and Keuchel coming up the next three days?


    Liked by 1 person

    • Yep. There is still plenty of time left in the season. Correa should be up soon, Lowrie back sometime in July and we know Luhnow will make a trade to bolster the team. No reason to panic yet as the season has its ebbs and flows.


    • But oh!’ thought Alice, suddenly jumping up, `if I don’t make haste I shall have to go back through the Looking-glass, before I’ve seen what the rest of the house is like!
      She was getting a little giddy with so much floating in the air, and was rather glad to find herself walking again in the natural way.


    • Because the division and the league are full of parity this year. There is no best rotation, lineup or BP. It’s all winnable.


  20. Well, the Yankees just beat the Angels again today. Suddenly the Silver Boot series looks like it might actually matter.


  21. Just a small note about trading for Hamels. With him due $90 Million, he may be taking away FA money for the next few years. He increases the current payroll by 20% on his own. Again, just a comment. Not a thumbs down or thumbs up.


  22. Joe Musgrove walked a batter tonight. I point this out because Joe, who is 7-1 this season with an ERA of 1.81 and a WHIP of 1.01, has pitched 51.2 innings with 61 strikeouts and 2 walks. A lot of that is in Lancaster, so you know how good he has pitched. When you think about the future, don’t forget Joe. A year ago LMJ was pitching for Lancaster and did not have numbers like this.


  23. Jose Ortiz thinks Correa could be called up as soon as the White Sox series next week. I doubt they will call him up while the team is on the road, rather than introduce him with BIG TIME fanfare at home……..but ya never know! I’ve gotta feeling there’s stuff getting ready to happen……..SOON.

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