2014 Astros: It’s time to start setting the stage

Now that the Super Bowl teams have been determined and the Texans won’t be in the big game, Dan, Brian and Chip will begin a more in-depth look at the Astros starting this week.

Position-by-position, player-by-player, we’ll start to sort out what the season may look like. Many of you will liken this exercise to rearranging the deck chairs, but a handful of signings, trades and other additions and subtractions should provide plenty of room for speculation and discussion.

Plus, it should also be expected that these analyses will be interrupted by Jeff Luhnow’s continued reconstruction leading up to spring training next month.

As the season approaches and most of us begin to pay attention more closely, chipalatta.com will likely become more active.

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Want to help set the agenda for the season? What type of features would you like to see throughout the season? More Free Blog Fridays?  A weekly Q&A for readers? A minor league roundup?

Just leave a note in the comments. And, stay tuned this week for the beginning of the specific discussions on the Astros.

9 responses to “2014 Astros: It’s time to start setting the stage”

  1. It’ll be baseball soon. Yea!

    The “deck chairs” comment is a little less appropriate this year. We’ve added real piece. Our big off season signing isn’t Rick Ankiel or Carlos Pena. Fowler is a real improvement in center field. Feldman is a real improvement to our rotation. And this is a good bullpen.

    That said, we still have holes. Holes that don’t look to be improved upon anytime soon.


  2. Counting down the days! I gotta admit…….I don’t know ONE SINGLE person in my circle of friends who shares my passion for the Astros…..
    Even my husband rolls his eyes when baseball is even mentioned.:( 😦


  3. 2014 with Feldman, Fowler, Crain, Qualls, Castro, Altuve, Albers and Guzman is an improvement. No, they are not on their way to Cooperstown, but this is much better because none of these would be just an NRI if they were still on the open market. However, it is time in 2014 for the Luhnow (and Wade) experiment of trading for prospects to start yielding dividends. Not stars yet, but MLB players. Like Becky, when I mention the Astros, everyone in my family starts whispering behind my back. And all by Baptist friends have me on their prayer chain.


    • Astro45, it seems Luhnow has turned that corner. Yes, there may be an occasional trade for a prospect still, but the Fowler trade should indicate his desire to add pieces at the major league level.


  4. I’m so ready for the new season. Also just want to say I love the new site here compared to the old chron blog. Things got and still are to negative there for my taste.You guys do a great job of coming up with topics to discuss. And this year it should be easier to come up with some positive ones as I believe we are starting our climb out of the hole. Like Ted I think the minor leagues are worth keeping an eye on as our prospects begin to arrive. Geaux Stros


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